Surrounded by Demons
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows."
---Psalm 23:4-5
In August of 2021, I resigned my post as a commissioned Major Lieutenant Officer with the GCHQ. I was attached to the intelligence agency’s Clandestine Operations unit and spent 34 years in the field. I spent the first 20 of those years as a Deep Cover Operative and infiltrated organized crime syndicates on behalf of the British Crown. I spent the last 14 years assessing strengths and weaknesses in national defenses and served as a pawn between power brokers.
In April of 2013, I survived a coordinated assassination attempt orchestrated through the CIA. I was thrown from an elevated bus platform at Denver’s International airport by three assailants. After the fall, I was rushed to the emergency room in an ambulance. My heart stopped beating after I was delivered to the hospital, and I was placed into an induced coma to slow my wounds.
Christ our Lord delivered me from the gates of Hades within that coma and returned me to life. I spent two and a half years recovering from my injuries, and then returned to Atlanta. For a two-year period, I experienced peace like never before.
In November of 2018, I reached out to my True with Christ our Lord's blessing. Afterward, I was assailed by demons both within my Kill and during my daily routine. A Kill is a refuge ordained by The Father for a son of Christendom to spend time alone with Him and are considered sacrosanct.
The attacks were mild and inconvenient when they began, and have grown stronger with nearly each passing day. Many of the demons have revealed they wish to lay or wish to bed. Others have revealed they wish me to subjugate myself to human authorities; and others have offered to subjugate themselves to me.
When I resigned my post, I was called by Christ our Lord to share shared my testimony. I stepped forward and announced my involvement with the GCHQ through an open letter posted to a blog I run and through LinkedIn's blogging system. Afterward, the activities of these demons became more intense. I was tempted with fame, positions of power, and promiscuous sex. I rejected these offers and became the target of their wrath. I sometimes feel these demons press against me and have infrequently smelled a vapor trail as they near my presence.
Seven attempts were made upon my life between September of 2021 and April of 2024. Two were arranged by my former employer, two by the United States government, one by China’s Ministry of Information, one by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, and one by Hollywood producers. Three were arranged through poisoning and the others through more violent means.
The attempts made on life by British Foreign Intelligence Officers and the American Government stemmed from my refusal to enter politics or re-enter government service. The attempts made by China’s Ministry of Information and Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service stemmed from my refusal to join their ranks and compromise my faith. The attempt organized by the Hollywood producer stemmed from my refusal to involve myself in Hollywood feature films. Through Hollywood, I have been tempted with acting roles, advisory roles, and feature films made about my life.
The CIA pieced together a dossier on my combat missions beginning in the late 1990s. In June of 2007, that dossier was leaked to Paramount Pictures Entertainment executives. A college roommate of mine manufactured a semi-fictional biography that accompanied that file. His father was an advisor to Ronald Reagan and later served as Reagan's Transportation Secretary. That roommate was also a founding member of a Hollywood venture capital firm.
It was revealed to me that 11 Hollywood producers bid to acquire my CIA dossier. Each of the producers were required to "write a script and cast a crew." to obtain the rights. Each in fact did.
Eleven well-known actors signed on to play my character and more than 44 well-known actresses signed on to play women I once dated or was otherwise involved with. Each were promised they would have the opportunity to "lay with him [me]".
Seven of the 11 film producers had planned to develop franchises around my character. Four of those film franchises included video games, 3 included merchandise deals, and 3 included suture syndicated television series spin-offs. Each producer was promised they would have the opportunity to "lay with him [me] and eventually bed him [me]", and each schemed to offer me contracts in exchange for approving the use of my name.
One producer reached out to relatives of mine to develop arches for a television series based on my formative years. Most he reached out to agreed to share intimate details about my life in exchange for character inclusion. Some even agreed to provide storylines. Eleven of those relatives signed contracts with the producer’s film company and not one relative who was approached said a word to me.
The same producer approached more than 20 men and women whom were classmates of mine in grammar and/or secondary school. At least 20 signed contracts and agreed to provide story lines. Not one of the men and women who were approached said a word to me.
After resisting offers to enter politics or re-enter government service, my CIA dossier and the semi-fictional biography were offered to at least 4 well-known authors employed by European royalty. Each of the royals that received the dossier and semi-fictional biography were told they would have the opportunity "lay with him [me]" and their "progeny can [could] bed him [me]. Each of these royals wished to produce offspring from my seed. Each of the authors were told I would be "a servant within their employ" and that they could "bed him [me] whist [sic] he's [me] in your employ.".
Power brokers within the United States and other nations have made similar advances. Each wishes for me to defy The Father and help them prepare for war. Many amongst these have made their names known. Each defiles their body with intoxicants, has entered a trance, and wished their essence into my Kill. In recent weeks their efforts have intensified. Some have access to images broadcast from my laptop computer intercepted through satellite relay stations. Oftentimes, the men and women within these trances begin to mimic my movements. They recite my name and attempt to disrupt my day.
I hear whispers from the men and women that enter these trances. Each seems to believe I would forsake The Father for their temptations. They curse me for resisting their temptations and even threaten death.
Through the persecution, my faith has grown stronger. My communications are monitored, my bank accounts have been broken into, and my movements in public are sometimes followed in advance.
The demons that persecute me fail to realize that they expose themself to The Father each time they approach within a 6-foot radius of my presence. The same is true for other sons of Christendom whom they harass.
The demons that persecute me sometimes threaten daughters of Christendom whom I care for and sometimes threaten to harm Beasts. These demons fail to realize The Father follows their intent. So, too, do the Beasts they threaten to harm.
Men and women whom have forsaken The Father deny His words are filled with demons. Each believed their mischief would go on forever through reincarnation or rebirth in some other shape or form. Each denied the flood and each denies The Father's omnipotence. Each are nothing more than empty shells.
Sons and daughters of Christendom see through their facades and hate them for what they are. Nothing can separate sons and daughters from The Father, not even the threat of death nor the threat of internment. Each man and woman that has threatened such things will disappear from existence, and those that connive to harm become weaker with each passing day.
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