Surrender is the only way...

Surrender is the only way...

You have to realize, my darling, that although there are plenty of things you can influence with thoughts, words, actions and energy, there is only ONE thing that is under your control... and that is you.

Which means that if you want something to happen, no matter HOW MUCH you want it,

No matter how much you push for it

No matter how much you try to control it

If it’s not meant to be

It simply won’t be.

Conversely, no matter how much you try to prevent something

Block something

Trap something

If it IS meant to be, you are not even REMOTELY capable of stopping it.

THAT’S why surrender is the only way.

Surrender is the gravity and we are the apple.

It is frustrating, confusing, annoying and downright irritating sometimes.

We WANT SO BADLY to be able to control outcomes, decisions, predictions or events, because we feel like we know what’s best for everyone.

But the truth is, we simply can’t. And that doesn’t make us weak. It makes us us.

Our best bet is to stop fighting for or against the inevitable and use our energy for better pursuits along the way like connection, refueling, loving and supporting ??

Your task today:

1. Notice in your life what you’re pushing for and seemingly getting nowhere. Stop it

2. What are you working against that is moving forward anyway? Stop it

3. Trust that the universe really is working for your highest best interest.

4. Redirect your energy and love on someone ??S


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