Surrender and Grow.
We are stubborn creatures. Sometimes, in order to fulfill our intentions and the yearnings of our soul, we are forced to give up that which will inhibit our growth.?This is simple in theory and incredibly challenging in application (since many of the things we are forced to surrender are near and dear to our hearts!). There is a wisdom and an order to the universe which often eludes our immediate understanding. We think that we know what is best at all times, yet the truth over the long term continues to show us that we can be a bit naive. All we need to do to validate this belief is to look at our history. How many times have you suffered a painful loss only to find that it has resulted in an unexpected gift? Perhaps it never entered your consciousness until this moment.
What if you walked through the day believing that there was a Divine order to the chaos that surrounded you? What if you were convinced that everything and everyone was conspiring together to see that you succeed? Would it change the way you feel? Would it change the course of your day?
Success or sabotage? Success is often a perceived failure viewed with a fresh perspective.
Is this going to be an incredible day? What do you need to surrender to make it so?