Surrender to Dwarakadeesh Krishna

Surrender to Dwarakadeesh Krishna

The reason is beautifully described on the book 'The song of God' by Swami Mukundandanda: There is a father who has two sons. He instructs both of them to work hard in the paddy field as it is the cultivation season. One son toils and sweats it out in the blazing son all day long. In the night when he returns, the father says, “Well done my son. You are obedient, hard-working, and loyal. Here is your reward. Take $500 and do what you like with it.”

The second son does nothing—he lies in bed all day long, sleeping, drinking, smoking, and abusing his father. At night, suppose the father says, “Never mind, after all you are also my son. Here is $500; go and enjoy yourself with it.” The result of this will be that the first son’s motivation to work hard will be smothered. He will say, “If this is my father’s reward system, then why should I work? I will also do nothing, for I will receive the $500 in any case.

Likewise, if God grants his grace without our becoming qualified for it, all those who became saints in the past will complain, “What is this? We strived for many lifetimes to purify ourselves and then we became recipients of God’s grace, but this person received it without making himself eligible. Then our effort for self-improvement was meaningless.To get his absolute grace, surrender is important! God says, “I do not behave in this irrational manner. I have an eternal condition on the basis of which I bestow my grace. And I have declared this in all the scriptures.”

The ?hwetā?hvatar Upani?had states: "yo brahmā?a? vidadhāti pūrva? yo vai vedān?h cha prahi?oti tasmai ta? ha deva? ātma-buddhi-prakā?ha? mumuk?hur vai ?hara?am aha? prapadye" (6.18)[v30] “We take shelter of that Supreme Being who created Brahma and others. It is by his grace that the soul and intellect get illumined.” Shrimad Bhagvat states: "mām ekam eva ?hara?am ātmāna? sarva-dehinām yāhi sarvātma-bhāvena mayā syā hy akuto-bhaya? (11.12.15)[v31] “O Uddhav! Giving up all forms of mundane social and religious conventions, simply surrender unto me, the Supreme Soul of all souls. Only then can you cross over this material ocean and become fearless.”

Shri Krishna also stated it in Shrimad Bhagwad Gita: SBG 7.14: “My divine energy Maya, consisting of the three modes of nature, is very difficult to overcome. But those who surrender unto me cross over it easily.” SBG 18.62: Surrender exclusively unto him with your whole being, O Bharat. By his grace, you will attain perfect peace and the eternal abode. SBG 18.66: Abandon all varieties of dharmas and simply surrender unto me alone. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions; do not fear. Jay Shri Krishna

In other words, surrender means to truly believe: ?????? ???? ? ???? ?????? ? ?????? ???????? ??? ?????? ? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ? ?????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ?

You Truly are my Mother And You Truly are my Father .

You Truly are my Relative And You Truly are my Friend.

You Truly are my Knowledge and You Truly are my Wealth.

You Truly are my All, My God of Gods. Jay Shri Krishna


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