Surprising time management facts
Graham Roberts-Phelps
Business skills and sales training specialist. Expert in commercial negotiation, management skills, leadership development, and enterprise development. Operating in the UK, Europe, US, Oman, Dubai and Riyadh.
Most people do not think they 'waste' their time. The facts tell a different story. Being busy is not the same as being productive.
Here are some recent facts on how we spend time at work, in play, and in front of our screens. These are mentioned, and the solutions to them explained in the online training course 'Working Smarter' Click here to attend for free.
Work time
- Full-time employees work an average of 8.5 hours per weekday and 5.4 hours per day on a weekend day. (BLS, 2019)
- The average employee spends 2 hours per day recovering from distractions. (Atlassian, 2019)
- The average knowledge worker checks email and IM every 6 minutes. (RescueTime, 2019)
- The average employee only works for a total of 3 minutes before switching to another task. (Atlassian, 2019)
- The Netherlands ranks among the best work/life balanced countries with an average 29-hour workweek. (Small Business Trends, 2018)
Play time
- Watching TV is the most enjoyed form of leisure, accounting for 2.8 hours per day. That works out to 42.6 days per year! (BLS, 2019)
- Socializing with friends (not online) accounts for an average of 38 minutes per day. (BLS, 2019)
- We spent twice as much time socializing per day on the weekend (59 minutes) as on weekdays (29 minutes). (BLS, 2019)
- Gaming accounts for about 1 hour per day on average for people aged 15 to 24. (BLS, 2019)
Screen time
- On average, we spend 3 hours and 15 minutes a day (49.4 days per year) on our phones. (RescueTime, 2018)
- Most people check their phones an average of 58 times per day. (RescueTime, 2018)
- Half of all phone checks happen within 3 minutes of a previous one. (RescueTime, 2018)
- In 2018, we spent an average of 142 minutes per day on social media, that’s up from 90 minutes in 2012. (Digital Information World, 2019)
- You will spend an average of 5 years and 4 months of your life on social media, but only 1 year and 3 months socializing with real people. (MediaKix, 2016)
Plus, it has been shown than
- The average person uses 13 different methods to control and manage their time.
- 10-12 minutes invested in planning your day will save at least 2 hours of wasted time and effort throughout the day.
- Employees work their hardest between 9 AM and 12 PM. After that, productivity tends to drop.
- Productivity drops as much as 40% when workers try to do two or more tasks at once.
- A person who works with a messy or cluttered desk spends, on average, 1 ? hours per day (7 ? hours per workweek) looking for things or being distracted by things.
Working Smarter - Time Management Free 90 minute online training course from Brilliant Customer Service.