Surprise Yourself, Adjusting Your Mindset, More Good News

Surprise Yourself, Adjusting Your Mindset, More Good News

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."

— Neil Gaiman

I woke up about 5:00 a.m., I laid in bed for an hour, first trying to determine the day of the week, then set up my plan of attack for this day, the middle of the week, the mountain top.  

I got up, took a shot of the fantastic sunrise, headed down to get my water and coffee, and here I sit, getting ready to make some word soup for anyone hungering for some joy and inspiration.

I had a few conversations yesterday; I had my peer group meeting from 7:30 to 9:30 checking in on our board members. We focused on how to market your company at these different times. My friend Ben and I tried twice to connect, but the universe did not have it, we'll try and join later in the week.  I am now getting connected with strangers daily. I had a long conversation with Tony from California, a successful insurance agent, a great talk; we will talk again.

We got our hike in, the ladies have started working out daily, each of them takes some time to set up a workout, they do it for 30 minutes, I'm proud of them, I'm still doing my silly pushups, that is the extent of my body shaping during these days of isolation.

I got our March financials yesterday; it was a record month in terms of revenue. I'm happy with those results but am bracing for many months of declining revenue.  I do think we will emerge from this more durable, and I think the economy will bounce back.  I cannot wait to get back to my favorite restaurants that can weather this storm; I think this year, we will probably have to limit the capacity of how many people can fit into a confined space. Look for Open Table to make a comeback, no longer will you have the luxury of just picking a place and walking in, you'll have to register, and once the seats are filled, you will have to find another option. 

I don't think I'll be driving as much, I know I won't be flying as much. I'm going to make changes based on the lessons we have been given, I'm open to change, others not so much.  I think in addition to my mountain top training, I'm going to open a virtual training program in addition to the coaching I'm doing. I can teach my stuff from anywhere, why did I not think of this before?

We were visited by our friendly neighborhood fox yesterday.  He's a beautiful creature, and he's curious, talk to him, and he seems to appreciate the kindness in our voices, he does not run away, he sniffs around looking for treasure and after awhile gets bored and heads off to his next stop. In addition to our family of deer that visit, we have rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks and many different species of birds. My Queens mother bought me a bird book for Christmas; it's been out, we've been looking up who is visiting, we have reconnected with nature like never before.

If you are struggling, might I suggest meditation? There are many applications like Headspace, Calm, and others you can download for a fee, or you can always use YouTube and listen to one of the thousands of free offerings. Your mindset is one of the most important things you can control, and if you are feeding your mind, body, and soul with proper nourishment, your attitude will improve.

I think it essential to determine your partner's love language. Many of us have been doing this for years, but I'm finding others have not seen this treasure. I strongly recommend you visit:

You can take a couple's quiz and a children's quiz to determine how to serve best those you are sharing a bunker.  

Many tools like this can help you through this situation. I've been fortunate during my life to find these tools, and I'll try and share somethings in the coming days and weeks that might help you with your current plight. 

I'll remind you that any emotion you are feeling right now is acceptable. Some are fearful, others are angry, many are concerned. But I see a lot of hope and anticipation from some. Those are the people that I am choosing to share my time. It's easy to be down, harder to be up, but join me in wanting to look up not down. Choose me in looking forward, not back.

This event will shape the rest of our lives, our children's lives, and the lives of our grandchildren.   In every great crisis, there are lessons for future generations. How can we ensure that this does not happen again? How can we change our individual and societal behavior to avoid a 30 to a 60-day prison sentence for all of humanity? These are questions that will be answered, and I look forward to helping solve the riddle. 

I am happy with our prison, good food, our exercise yard is large, no one seems to want to shank anyone (yet), I see some personal growth in each of us as we adapt to our new reality.  I pray for many, those alone, those fighting on the front lines, we are very fortunate to be where we are and with whom we are with. 

The news seems to be getting better; there is hope, this is not forever; many countries hit before we are slowly beginning to return to normal. We can hope this trend continues; there is a light, it's getting brighter, focus on that light, and join me tomorrow for some more free word soup.

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."

— Neil Gaiman


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