Surprise! A June Snow, Economic Bonanza, Climbing a Moutain Together
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.â€
The world is conspiring against me! Well, my computer is this morning, just whipped up a batch of soup, and then I was told my file was corrupt, and I lost my work, so here I go again, soup part Deux. It snowed here last night, yes, I know it’s June 9th, but at 8232 feet, we can get some wild weather. It’s beautiful, but I need you to keep our plants on your prayer chain, they are not looking too good.
We are not weather people; we don’t look at the weather, we take each day that is given and then make the most of it. It was 80 degrees yesterday, the thought of snow was not on our radar. If this is the worst thing that happens today, I’m game, the world is a dumpster fire these days, no use in complaining about our little first-world issues.
We got 9 hours of sleep last night; it was glorious. We hit the bed at 9:00, I woke at 5:00 but thought that based on my schedule, I could grab an extra hour, I woke wide-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to roll. We are getting a good work out every day, hiking most days, my body feels good for a man of my age, my Queen looks fantastic. We planned to exit the pandemic in better shape than when we began, and our plan worked. Now we just need to keep up the momentum.
So how are you? How is your life? Are you excited about the day or dreading the moan and drone of another day of life? Remember, you made choices to put yourself where you are right now. If you are not enjoying the journey, pick one thing you can do differently to get back on the path of your dreams. If you make minor changes to your life and existence each day, your life will begin to evolve, and you can find happiness.
The economic news was surprisingly good, seems we can bounce back from a significant shutdown of 3 months, the stock market took off, it’s back to where we started and looks like a rocket ship moving forward. I’m optimistic; people had their time to enjoy a forced shutdown, but it showed many of us the value of work. Work gives value to human existence; I love work as I love my play.
I had a thought yesterday to organize a protest at Red Rocks. We will raise some money for a cause, fight injustice, and have a band play in support of our cause. Since it’s a protest, it falls in line with our laws of today, it will be peaceful, and we can use music to help raise a little money.
I think if you want to go back to church, simply get a hammer, a sickle, or maybe a broken bottle and carry a banner that black lives matter. Underscore it with all lives matter and attend your place of worship. Make up some chants, and I think the authorities will leave you alone.
The protests seem to be winding down; it looks like changes are being proposed, some want to defund all police, I’m not sure that is a good idea. I know a lot of people with guns, and I would not want them in charge of policing. I’m a man of small incremental changes; radical change is scary for this older adult. Let’s reform the current system; I have no interest in running for office, I’ll vote my conscious, and let the chips fall where they may.
We are working until 3:00 ish and then heading to the condo to haul a load of our belongings west. The kids get in town Monday, they need a fresh place, our belongings are no longer welcome there. Luckily we have moved most of our belongings west, there are just a few items that need to be relocated, it will take us three trips, but we will get the job done. I am getting measured for my suit, the suit I bought for my daughter’s wedding, my kid will only get married once, why not have a special suit tailored to this version of myself.
Can you feel it, can you see the world coming back together as it almost fell apart? I think each day will bring more good news, I think we will learn we made some mistakes during the pandemic, but also it was an excellent dry run for the next epidemic. I think this will happen again, but we are resilient, Bill Gates and his wife the Bat are no match for our healthy communities and passion for work.
We are in an economic valley and at the base of a mountain of opportunity. Make sure you have good hiking shoes; the climb is going to be a little dicey, but we will climb this mountain together. We will follow a new path, watch for rocks, have a stick handy. A few of us will lead, others will follow, but I’m built for this. I am ready to lead the charge back to a time of opportunity and growth. We had a setback, a reflection point if you will, but now is the time to make hay. We hired another employee yesterday, there are some amazingly talented people out there, out of work, it’s a good time to bolster your team, don’t wait, get to work!
My heart is full; my mind is racing; it’s time to join together and make societal changes that improve our existence for all, not just a few. I believe there is more opportunity today than in February; the forest fire took out many of the small trees, the giant oaks positioned for growth, and there is room for many new startup trees. Erase your anger, fear, and frustration and replace it with hope. Let’s go.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.â€