Surprise--it's Windows 11!
Just in time for Cynthia Erivo's "Wicked" premiere, Microsoft Windows 11 surprised with yet another "...not in Kansas, anymore..." moment.? And it was only discovered after installing Filezilla, Mozilla's sturdy FTP tool, on my just purchased Windows 11 laptop.? Having loaded my thumb drive folder tree to Documents and installing my apps from Downloads,? I was confused when both failed to appear on Filezilla's C drive folder display. Spoiler alert--the Documents and Downloads folders were actually installed on OneDrive instead.
Okay, maybe it was just my ADHD kicking in, but I hadn't noticed Windows 11 installation waving me off and onto OneDrive, Microsoft's venerable cloud destination. I had absently installed everything onto Documents and Downloads, oblivious to their actual location. Staring back at me from all of the top-of-page breadcrumb displays, OneDrive was the worst kept secret, ever.? But I still had missed it.
And somehow, I ignored all of the Microsoft account creation displays thinking they were intended for PC login. But good old Filezilla came to the rescue, again. Using Filezila, I created a placeholder folder directly beneath the C drive Documents folder. Then, I moved my folder tree there from OneDrive. But I had to repeat the process a couple of times because every time I deleted it, my folder tree seemed to go along for the ride.
The final step was to unlink OneDrive which seemed to precipitate a couple of Microsoft updates.? I then proceeded to pin some of my folders to the "Recent" display because it was too tedious to keep traversing the circuitous Windows 11 Documents tree which seemed much harder to reach than on Windows 10.
So, if you're planning to upgrade to Windows 11 or buying a new laptop, make sure to skip all of the account creation steps unless you actually intend to use OneDrive.? After a lifetime of surprises--note to self--pay closer attention to that next Windows installation because you're "...not in Kansas, anymore..."?