Surpassing Career And Work Hurdles
Joanne Linden
President & Master Trainer of AdminUniverse? also Founder & Facilitator at ACE Peer Learning Network?
I’ve been fortunate over my career never to have been fired or downsized out of a job. If it’s happened to you, it can be a lonely feeling. With the economy booming and employment on high, now is a great time to dust off your resume and freshen it up with your latest accomplishments. Being prepared for the “just-in-case” you find something better, won’t hurt.
As an administrative professional, educator and mentor for over 30 years, I can say with certainty that no matter who you are, career and work relationship hurdles will crop up when climbing the ladder of career success. I can also say with certainty “how you deal with it” can make all the difference in the world. Here are some celebrity motivators and how they dealt with career roadblocks, along with 5 Points of Wisdom (POW) on how to pull through and be strong:
If you’ve ever been fired, demoted or downsized because you didn’t “fit the job” or were “no longer needed” – you are not alone.
According to, Oprah Winfrey was an evening news reporter who was “let go” because she couldn’t separate her emotions from her stories and Jerry Seinfeld was “written out of the script” after a poor performance on the sitcom “Benson.”
If you’ve ever made an embarrassing move or mistake at work– you are not alone.
While seeking fame and fortune in New York, Madonna didn’t last a day on the job at a Dunkin Donuts after apparently squirting jelly from a donut on a customer.
If you’ve ever lost a job in your chosen profession or been told you lacked talent – you are not alone.
Howard Stern was fired as a Disc Jockey at WNBC. Stephen King was rejected 30 times before getting his first novel published. That first novel, by the way, was “Carrie.” Elvis Presley was told by the concert hall manager at Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry that he should go back to driving trucks in Memphis (glad he didn’t) while one of the greatest NBA Players of all times was cut from his high school basketball team! Hard to believe any coach would let Michael Jordan go! When asked about failure and success, Jordan has been quoted as saying, “I have missed over 9000 shots in my career, lost nearly 300 games and on 26 occasions I was entrusted to take the game-winning shot – and missed. I have failed “over and over and over again” in my life and this is why I succeed.”
POW #1 – It’s all about Attitude
Whether it’s failing to get a job offer or being passed over for a promotion; dealing with a co-worker who is undermining your efforts, or being demoted, downsized or fired; resist the urge to say, “woe is me.” Focus on what you can take away from the experience to get past the pain or disillusionment, then make your mind up to surpass your career or work relationship hurdles.
POW #2 – Evaluate and Regroup
Come up with a strategy to get yourself moving in the right direction again. Perhaps you could benefit from continuing education or obtain additional certification or credentials that will increase your value at your current place of employment, or “expand your career horizons.” Also seek the advice and/or guidance from career counselors, mentors or trusted colleagues; because as I always say, you’d be surprised what others can see that you don’t.
POW #3 – Smile and Move Forward
Especially after being passed over, demoted, downsized or terminated, it’s tempting to blame others. However, that will only harm you in the long run, certainly not anyone else. Adopt an upbeat attitude! Tell yourself the loss of this job means a chance to find a better job, a more exciting future with greater rewards. Dream big, reach for the sky and by all means, “google” epic fails by the famous for inspiration and never forget what Michael Jordan said! “I have failed over and over and over again and this is why I succeed.”
POW #4 – Achieve Momentum
Map out your plan to push on, then follow it! Whether it’s improving your skills, proving your value as an employee or finding a position elsewhere, it will give you a sense of accomplishment that will help you to surpass career and/or work relationship hurdles.
If you are an Administrative Professional interested in learning more from a former successful Administrative Professional, please consider my company AdminUniverse?. From Corporate Workshops & Seminars to online training, we’re here to make it happen.
Meet Joanne Linden, CPS, CEAP, President and Master Trainer, who was an administrative professional herself, and her teaching style is grounded in authentic office experience. AdminUniverse? can help you improve yourself, widen your skill set, and advance your career. Connect: [email protected].