Was the surgical operation necessary?
(Note : The patient, whom I know, gave me permission to share his story)
Western medical doctor said : “From the CT scan, there is a tumor in your liver and surgical operation is necessary to remove the tumor.”
This news is a shock to the patient, like most patients, they follow the logic of the doctors, the tumor must be surgically removed, implying there is no other way.
The patient has symptoms like jaundice and itchiness all over the body. Bloating and constipation . No pain or fever.
There is a long procedure for surgical operation preparation and the patient suffers more due to some necessary procedures. In this case the patient’s bilirubin level is high, and the procedure needed to bring down the bilirubin level before operation. Two tubes inserted to drain out the bilirubin.
During the surgical operation, the doctors found out the liver is extensively damaged, liver cirrhosis, hence no point to do the removal of the tumor.
From Google, you can easily find that liver cirrhosis can be detected by CT scan. But why previous CT scan only confirmed the presence of a tumor, but not cirrhosis?
The surgeon also found that the bile duct is blocked, which needs to be fixed by bile duct metal stent.
The patient suffered many days before operation due to troublesome draining of bilirubin through the two tubes inserted. During the first diagnosis, doctors also confirmed the patient has jaundice symptoms.
Is it not true that high bilirubin level and jaundice already point to the possibility of bile duct blockages?
Why the need for this surgical operation to tell the patient bile ducts blockages and another procedure bile duct metal stent is proposed to the patient?
Does it mean more surgical procedures are the preferred approach by western medical doctors. Then the patient really has to suffer a lot, operation after operation, not to mention more money spent.
Then the next question is, why is bile duct metal stent procedure needed?
Doctors already confirmed the liver is severely damaged, which should be the key concern. Then, this implies the problem in healthy production of bile, which is the upstream problem, and bile ducts blockages is the downstream problem.
So you fix the drainage problem around your house, although there is constant major flooding in your region. How do you see such logic?
Now that liver cirrhosis is confirmed, which needs long term medication, which produces more side effects and suffering to the patient. Most patients will have more other new emerging symptoms, and different medications are needed.
From the above, we see a pattern of the western medicine approach.
Treat one symptom at a time, with surgical procedure and or medication. One treatment will lead to another treatment. They do not see the whole picture, or there is no holistic and integrated medical theory in the first place.
As such, the patient has to suffer many rounds.
Just like my previous article on Reverse Diabetes Therapy, the proposed method is to control diets to bring insulin to an optimal level. But there are so many other factors, beside diets that affect diabetes. And there are many other symptoms suffered by the patients, besides diabetes issues. It will be a nightmare to the patients with so many therapies, medications and treatments to many symptoms, which is more than diabetes issues.
Back to this patient with liver problems.
We only see two obvious things offered by the western medical doctors - surgery and medication. And we also know that surgery and medication may not bring about total health, except life long medication, with side effects and more other emerging symptoms.
What about root causes to these health problems. Western medicine can only offer vague and general advice about healthy lifestyle, diet and exercises.
This patient, and many other patients can testify they are careful about diets, they practice good lifestyles and they do daily exercises.
What do we learn from the above?
What can we do to avoid such a fragmented approach by western medicine, going round and round with more suffering and fundamental health still cannot be achieved?
We need to gain a different understanding of how the body system really works. Western science and western medicine cannot offer you that.
We need to understand our body system is an integrated system, not like a machine with parts to be managed, part by part, not doing one thing and ignoring other things.
We need to understand how our emotions, personality, psychology, food intake, wrong types of exercises, in what ways specifically, affect what organs, in this case the liver organ.
Western nutrition theory does not address individuals with unique and different body systems, and they offer the same diet formula to everyone the same. But logically we also know, certain nutritious foods good for A, may be harmful to B.
We need to pay great attention to earlier symptoms, even small symptoms and we need to understand what imbalances in the body system are causing such symptoms and we need to balance such imbalances with natural means, not medication.
Small symptoms can grow into serious diseases over time, in this case liver tumor, liver cirrhosis, and bile duct blockages.
These symptoms can manifest into many other diseases like cancers, Parkinson, dementia, etc. Not necessary just liver problem only.
In this patient case, he needs to know his liver problem is not the only problem, as the body is an integrated system. This liver problem can lead to other organ diseases, and other organs imbalances can further make the liver problem worse. Hence just depending on the medication for the liver is still ignoring the larger picture.
3000 years ago, ancient wisdom, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, addresses the above question thoroughly.
Are you curious wanting to see the larger picture and create a total well being for yourself?
English Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom
Andrew, psychologist & teacher of ancient wisdom
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom for Today Well Being at 360q.com 古老的智慧,今天的幸福
4 年Part 1/3 The patient has been reading all my articles and videos on ancient wisdom, he felt then his health was ok, and he is happy and satisfied with his life, and did not sign up to the video courses. Today with the painful hospitalization process, he signed up to the video courses, he realizes the following .... 1) Without different set of theories about your body system, patients are easily influenced by the western medicine doctors opinions (to cut, remove, stent or angioplasty?procedure, chemo, medication etc. etc.). Hence the need to have different medical theory is important, not just western medicine.
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom for Today Well Being at 360q.com 古老的智慧,今天的幸福
4 年Part 2/3 2) Because of current suffering, many questions presented to the doctors on Why? what are the causes? What can and should he do daily on practice to speed up the recovery? What prevention for other people? ... he cannot get specific answers, except vague and general. 3) Now he just started the first video course, he realized, the past daily practices on diet (follow western nutrition theory), exercises (follow the western idea on exercise for health), can actually produce health problems.
Teacher of Ancient Wisdom for Today Well Being at 360q.com 古老的智慧,今天的幸福
4 年(Part 3/3) He is now in the midst to fully understand the Ancient Wisdom for his new daily practices, with strong determination. Do you have open mind to explore more a holistic and integrated theory about your body system and health? Welcome to the video courses?.. English Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom https://www.360q.com/video-training/ 黄帝内经视频课程 https://wp.me/Pas5EY-8c