surgeon life

surgeon life

How do you 'judge' a surgeon?  

Well OT staff and sister Judge a surgeon by thier speed of doing surgery. They will keep saying to junior surgeons that particular surgeon is 'great' because he wraps up the procedure quickly. So faster is better for them. Anaesthetist also usually make this kind of judgement specially younger ones.

But senior Anaesthetist usually judge a surgeon by his ability to do a complicated case safely.

Hospital owners judge a surgeon not by skills but ability of him to get the required number of pateints. So surgeons having more cases is better for them.

Pateints judge a surgeon by the post operative complications they get. So lesser the complications better the surgeon for them. So even those surgeons can be great who have knack of operating only 'safe' cases which dont give complications.

But surgeons judge a surgeon by the ability of surgeon to deal with his complication.There will be complications ,certainly, if you operate tougher cases. If you cant deal with your own complication then you wont get the respect of your fellow surgeon.

PS - Surgeons have to deal with so many 'judgements' that they start modifying thier surgery according to it. Better dont give a damn about other people's judgement and just Do_what_you_do best and just keep doing it till the end

Well written sir!




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