Surge Problem Resolved.
Frank Casteel CEO MBA
Power Quality Expert With Over 40 Years Of Electrical Industry Experience. Eliminate Your Electrical System Problems And Dramatically Increase Your Facility Efficiency Levels And Profits.
Restaurant Transient Voltage Surge Damage Case Study
On July 20, 2018, a restaurant sustained a severe transient surge event. An electrical contractor responded to their call and investigated the site damage. The site had "Brand X " Surge Protectors on all their panels, but they failed to protect the equipment. This transient surge event caused over $ 150,000 in damage to the restaurant not to mention lost revenue until it could be fixed. It turns out that the Brand X Surge Protectors fusing circuit actually took itself off line first and suffered no damage to their unit. In fact, the Brand X manufacture actually advertises this feature as a benefit. In other words, the SPD protected itself, NOT the equipment. The contractor stated that he would normally expect the "main" surge protector to have failed first instead of the SPDs further down the line. The insurance company also questioned the owner as to how this could have happened with SPDs on every panel? The contractor advised the owner that he had seen this happen many times when an SPD with inferior technology is installed, usually based on it being the lowest price available.
The electrical contractor had an extensive experience with installing the Total Protection Solutions Surge Protection products because of its superior filtering system technology. He replaced all of the Brand X Surge Protectors with the TPS products including all low voltage equipment, lighting controls and LED network systems. The surge issues were resolved to the end users satisfaction.
If a restaurant can suffer a loss like this, how much more potential damage could occur at a facility with a heavy data or manufacturing equipment load? The problem is making a purchasing decision based on the lowest price, instead of buying a product that has the best technology that will actually protect all your systems and equipment. You can save a few dollars here and there but you could end up with a major emergency on your hands. As an additional benefit, the Total Protection Solutions product comes with a Lifetime Unconditional Replacement Warranty.........even if lightning strikes the facility. The maintenance cost savings potential alone using this product has been in the hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars every year. And those savings will continue for the next 30-40-50 or more years to come. We have the case studies to validate it. If you have read this far, why not contact us and discuss how to protect your facilities with this great product ? E: or C: 616-633-1805. In additon, go to and watch the short video. While on the site, check out the product and the case studies that are available to download.