Surfboards, Sailboats and Ships
I'm a day late, but I figured you'd want decent instead of timely content. Inspiration takes a moment sometimes.
I took some time to enjoy reaching the PMP summit. I felt a pull in my spirit to pat myself on the back and celebrate that I passed on the first try, with the highest distinction because in my mind 'Above Targets' means 'Summa cum laude'.
When I was a younger woman, reaching milestones was a thing to check off and move on. I realized I haven't celebrated most of my major life events. It honestly made me sad how desensitized I felt about each achievement. I celebrated others and remember the joy of seeing them smile, but I didn't extend that same courtesy to myself. Learning from this, I took a week to do nothing except smile and remind myself I was Deauna, PMP, Summa cum laude.
Yesterday, I felt this week was the time to start exploring what's next, but not at my usual pace or level of rigidity and intensity. It feels like now is a good time to focus on some qualitative rather than quantitative goals.
Like what you ask? What skills do I want to develop to meet my long-term goal? What does extending more grace to myself and others look like when things go left? How can I expand my growth mindset? What can I do to deepen the most meaningful relationships in my life?
Life feels like it's gently asking me to be softer and kinder, more vulnerable. Asking me to flow with it and ride the waves. It's softly whispering that I'll land on safe shores, celebrated by people who love and care for me.
What are you being gently asked to explore in this season?