The Surf Ballroom

The Surf Ballroom

Another beautiful Sunday morning arrived with a low-hanging sun to warm up the day, along with the nor-easterly wind being no more than a breeze, which was my cue to busy myself with some additional outdoor work needing to get done before winter arrives.

Upon arrival at office, my first priority was to get back to my darkened corner and begin my Sunday morning contemplative prayer session which provided another much-needed spiritual/mental cleansing. I happened to see another sign which came and went so fast that I couldn't read it, but at least I remembered the outline, so perhaps I'll see something in the coming days that'll trigger a recall back to what was no more than a split-second glimpse. Considering the happenings this past week, I dare say my friend was right when telling me some months ago that I've likely become acutely mindful of the happenings around me. After I was told that, I did remember reading some years ago that mindfulness is often a by-product of contemplative/meditative prayer.

Once my session was over, I changed into my work clothes and headed out to get some yard work done which included the picking up of many sticks from these winds we've been getting and then mulching a yard-full of leaves, which I've come to realize is much better for a person's lawn than raking and bagging them. Yes, ground-up leaves do put nutrients back into the soil. I'm definitely glad I purchased a mower with a mulch attachment included.

After my yard work was completed, I spent most of the afternoon over at my extended project where I finally got myself back to getting some deep cleaning done which was taking far longer than I was expecting, and after about four hours, I finally had to call it quits because my arm was feeling like it wanted to fall off. Expecting to have it all completed, I was a bit disappointed when having to walk away with about one third left, so perhaps there'll be an afternoon this week where I can sneak over and finish it.

A favorite neighbor was out working in his yard, so I did take a quick break and walk over for a little chat since we'd not spoken since before our general elections. Not to my surprise, he was just as dumbfounded as I was over the results. We both fully agreed on two things: We must never underestimate the stupidity of the general public, and we must not dwell on things we cannot change, so it's all gonna be about hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. Isn't that about all we can do?

One of our city's highly regarded professionals who's definitely gloating over 'D.T's' win, has been dropping hints for me to comment on that unfortunate happening, so I finally said, “I'll be keeping my thoughts to myself.” I'm definitely not going to waste my time debating someone who's fully integrated into a politician's tribal mentality, because no matter what you say such persons, they do hear you, but they're definitely not listening.

Every time I happen to hear comments from J.D. Vance regarding his embracing the Catholic faith, I actually want to go out and spit three times because whenever someone has their so-called 'faith' out for all to see, suddenly brings thoughts of hypocrisy to mind. Oh, how many stories I could tell about those who set themselves out in public view with the twirling of their beads, the genuflecting and praying hands, yet out in the real world, they do and say things that are definitely not reflective of their actions in church. Some years ago a customer of mine once said, “I try to stay away from the churchies.”, which gave me a good laugh because I'd never heard that expression before. Unfortunately I never did have an opportunity to ask her for some clarification as to why she tries to stay away from them.

Some years ago, a number of old slides came into my possession out of an estate which I hadn't taken the time to look at until yesterday. Oh my goodness! I definitely found some worth sharing with you all, and even though I've only converted four of them thus far, there'll definitely be more to share in the future. What I'm sure you'll appreciate, is the fact that most of them were taken in the late 50's which in those times, having the money to have color slides created, would've been considered 'top drawer'. With that said, the first photo I'm sharing tonight, is of the Surf Ballroom from those years. My goodness, how times have changed, but I'm sure many of you looking at tonight's photo, will be having some flash-back memories. Enjoy!

Tonight's One-liner is: Nothing is so good as it seems beforehand.

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