The Surefire, Scientific Way to Win Over and Over
Celebrate Your Accomplishments: Boosting Your Brain and Productivity
As high achievers, we often move on to the next goal without taking time to celebrate our accomplishments.
However, this is not the right move. Regardless of the size of your achievement, it is important to the neurological patterning of your brain to take time to recognize and celebrate it.
Celebrating allows your brain to make a strong connection between the achievement and the behaviors that got you there.
Acknowledging and celebrating achievements strengthens neural pathways in the brain and helps the brian subconsciously recognize, value and be more inclined to repeat the behaviors that lead to success.
The Science of Celebrating
When you accomplish something, your brain releases dopamine, the "feel-good" chemical that signals pleasure and reward. Dopamine helps regulate your attention, learning, and movement.
When you consciously acknowledge an accomplishment, the brain registers the win, chemically and allows the dopamine to drop to a normal level. Now you are fully ready to pursue the next goal and win.
If you do not celebrate a win, the dopamine never drops back to a normal operating level, meaning an ever-increasing amount of dopamine is necessary to feel satisfied.
When high-achieiving business leaders and owners persist in pursuing goals to get that ever-increasing dopamine fix, natural stress levels stay elevated and lead to a feeling of never really winning or never really being satisfied. Along with a constant run of dopamine, comes tiredness, irritability and other health.
Amazing really, that simply choosing to celebrate a win and allowing the dopamine to drop back to a normal level is such a powerful way to maintain a positive and motivated state of mind, and foster a sense of achievement as well as a desire to win again.
What can you do?
Stay aware of where your team is in realtion to their goals and encourage celebration. You will have a happier, healthier and less stressed team. And they will be more likely to pursue the next goal with the same bravado and focus as they did to win the first time.
Observe the effects of celebrating on your team. What feels meaningful and seems to impact the satisfaction of your team? Is it time off? Gathering together for food or drinks? A celebration bonus? Experiment to find what method of celebration works the best in your office to acknowledge one win and move your leaders into position to begin working towards the next win.
Keep your congratulations, rewards and celebrations, intentional and sincere. Your company will reap the rewards along with your productive, confident and satisfied leaders.
Surprising, but true - taking time to celebrate, really is one of the most productive things you can do!
I know that implementing new routines into your office needs more than just the tips above to really work. To help your team remain committed, content, and productive, you require a personalized strategy.
We can brainstorm that together so every win in your company leads to another, even more satisfying win. Let's have a quick chat today. Find a time that works here.