Not Sure $2,000,000 Will Be Enough?
DrFred Rouse
I Help People Enjoy Retirement Sooner without worrying about a job or a business with breakthrough Short Window Retirement Planning. Details at
"I would like to retire early due to the pandemic, but I'm not sure if the $2,000,000 we've saved so far will be enough".
That’s how the ad started that I saw yesterday for the first time online.
Of course, it caught my attention. I’m always looking at what’s out there.
Yes, there are people that have that much money and are concerned that it might not be enough.
And chances are that they weren’t working a job, punching a clock for 20-30 years for 40+ hours a week.
However, they’re not the people that I routinely work with. That’s not my background.
My dad was from the wrong side of the tracks in Grand Rapids Michigan.
He joined the Navy and served as a corpsman in Korea with a combat Marine group. Sadly, I didn’t know about his Korea time until a year before he died.
He ended up working at the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia. He got married and worked a number of jobs before eventually ending up as a carpet installer for over 30 years.
He raised 4 kids in a two-bedroom house in South Philly.
So, I came from a lower middle class – middle class background.
After my time in the Coast Guard, I eventually went to school and became a Registered Respiratory Therapist and ended up working at an inner-city hospital in Camden NJ for close to 10 years while I was working for my Certified Financial Planner certification.
After 30+ years of working with select individuals and small businesses with 0-6 employees, I retired.
Now I help people that are age 50+ retire in the next 3-5 years starting with as little as 10K.
It’s a reasonable thing to be able to do for reasonable people.
It’s not for the ultra-rich. It’s not for the homeless and destitute.
It’s for my people. The normal people that work for a living.
My students range from a landscaper in Florida making 40K a year to mid-level corporate managers, Engineers, Accountants, Doctors and Attorneys. Some of which have actually saved as much as 1.6 million for their retirement and have legitimate concerns.
I even have a few insurance salespeople and financial planners in my program because they’re just not making/saving enough and need a new Plan B for their retirement too.
I’m living my life purpose. Helping people to Get, Protect & Enjoy their Money, Life & Retirement.
What’s your life purpose?
Can I help you live it?
Respond to this post or MD me and let me know.
Dr Fred “focused for retirement” Rouse, CFP
The REAL Money Doctor
PS: If you didn't get the special report; The 5 Freedoms You Are Surrendering By Not Defending Your Assets.
You can download it here.
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