Supreme Court upholds validity of Section 148 notices issued after 31.3.21 under old provisions
S.N.Nanda & Co.
One of India's leading audit and consulting firm servicing multinationals, private sector and public sector companies.
Facts of the Case
Revenue had preferred an appeal before the Supreme Court against the order of High Courts wherein several reassessment notices issued under old provisions of Section 148 were quashed. The notices were set-aside on the ground that the same was bad in law in view of the amendment made by the Finance Act, 2021.
Supreme Court Held
The Supreme Court has held that the respective High Courts had rightly held that the benefit of new provisions shall be made available if reassessment notice under Section 148 were issued on or after 01-04-2021. The Supreme Court is in complete agreement with the view taken by the various High Courts in holding so.
The Court further held that these judgments would result in no reassessment proceedings at all. Thus some leeway must be shown in that regard which the High Courts could have done so. The Revenue cannot be made remediless, and the object and purpose of reassessment proceedings cannot be frustrated.
Accordingly, the Supreme Court has proposed to modify the judgments and orders passed by the respective High Courts as under:
1.???Section 148 notices issued by the Assessing Officers shall be deemed to have been issued under Section 148A as substituted by the Finance Act, 2021 and to be treated as show cause notices in terms of Section 148A(b);
The Supreme Court has said that this order will strike a balance between the rights of the Revenue and the respective assessees. The Revenue may not suffer due to the bonafide belief of the AOs in issuing approximately 90,000 notices as ultimately it is the public exchequer which would suffer.
This order of the Supreme Court shall be applicable to pan India. Accordingly, all orders passed by different High Courts, wherein reassessment notices issued after 01-04-2021 were set aside, shall be governed by the present order and shall stand modified to the aforesaid extent.
The Supreme Court has passed this order in exercise of powers under Article 142 of the Constitution of India to avoid any further appeals on the very issue by challenging similar judgments and orders.