The Supreme Bar Council has updated the minimum amounts of attorney's fees W1
With the approved updates in the Оrdinance No. 1 of 07/09/2004 on the minimum amounts of attorney's fees, amended by the Supreme Bar Council it is assumed that in case of partial claims, the fee for the first filed partial claim is determined on the full amount of the claim, regardless of what part of it the claim is filed for. In the case of legal representation, carried out in administrative institutions located outside the town where the attorney's office is located, the fee does not include the travel expenses. The fee for consultation, regarding a mediation procedure without the participation of the lawyer in it and reference in judicial and administrative places, etc. increases from 30 to 100 BGN. For a written consultation, the amount increases from 60 to 200 BGN. The minimum fee for investigating a case with giving an opinion on it increases from 300 to 450 BGN. With the amendments it is also accepted that for court orders, for the preparation of private appeals, for appeals against the actions of a bailiff, a notary, a registration judge and a registration official, the fee is 400 BGN, and when complaints are considered in an open court, the fee goes up to 600 BGN.
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