Supranational project of Linguistic and Identity   plametary - Part I: Planetary Human Literacy, International

Supranational project of Linguistic and Identity plametary - Part I: Planetary Human Literacy, International


Dear friends,

Complementing the introductory part of this project, I affirm that the identity and linguistic ordering of the national populations of the planet on the exercise of the state of terrestrial citizenship within the constitutional tripod of the UN (State of Justice and Global Law), is essential to overcome the challenges of the future in relation to these elements:

The guidelines of Unity, Peace, Love, Synergy, Security and common sustainable development as the foundation of the State of Justice, Law and Freedom of the cultural diversity of the planet constant in the constitutional tripod of the UN

Therefore, my focus in this part of the project is essentially to highlight data for a cultural alliance with the UN on these guidelines.

Thank you all for your attention

Initial considerations

I see the global identity and linguistic order as an indispensable action for the survival, performance and development of the Security Council, ICJ and UN General Assembly beyond this millennium - as well as for the survival, performance and development of humanity and its sacred institutions in this and the coming millennia, on Earth and other planets.

And I defend before everyone that the global identity and linguistic order should be a central theme in the instrumentation of the UN Future Summit, scheduled for September 2024. Because it is a fundamental action for all civilizations on Earth to be able to develop on a universal level.

But I am aware that it is up to the UN to develop in this direction a cultural synergy with the authorities of the "Big Five" cultural (the "Big Five": Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism), representatives of world culture and other religious divisions that existed before and emerged after the Second World War (including within space research), as well as with the authorities of modern science, representatives of the planet's schools and universities.

However, for me as an observer and reporter of supra-economic cultural observations on human and UN demands, this is my understanding:

The time has come for UN member nations to move forward in the next 50 years in the integration of Business, Wars and Power Dominance in other sphere of action:

The sphere of action of a permanent Alliance on Unity, Peace, Love, Synergy, Security and common sustainable development, as foundations of the State of Justice, Law and Freedom of the cultural diversity of the planet, within and outside its spatial territory in the third millennium AD.

It is this action or to remain stuck in the possibility of the evident risk (although ignored in favor of market economic interests and competition) of a nuclear planetary civilizational and environmental disaster. This, by custom of wars, linked to business and interests of domination... Or power.

Initial Reflection

Let us begin by reflecting on the meaning of “Planetary civilizational and environmental disaster” and the importance of the UN Alliance and World Culture on the seven elements described.

Meaning of Nuclear Planetary Civilizational and Environmental Disaster

It means the emergence of a multifaceted and continuous scenario of mass and simultaneous deaths of global biological diversity – including human – in its different environments, by force of space weapons or of remote destruction equipped with nuclear energy.

The Energy System processed from heat by the so-called thermonuclear plants that are responsible for the creation of large, invisible and immeasurable impacts on the regulation of DNA, food, health and global development of all types of life in each region, person, family, state and nation on the planet – the impacts caused by fires, climate change and subsequent radiation (in the short, medium and long term). Where we suffer as an example in the present day facts like these:

The chemical-industrial poisoning of the biosphere and the emergence and growing strengthening of diseases and viral organisms such as Covid 19

The Importance of the UN Alliance with World Culture

The importance of the Alliance of the Security Council, ICJ and UN General Assembly or of all UN members with the cultural forces of their peoples on the above-mentioned guidelines lies in two facts:

The fact that this is the only alliance capable of structuring the cultural legitimacy of the UN for the safe transit of humans and nations in the cultural space of the universe quadrant (the four quadrants of the galaxy called Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta),

The fact that this alliance is the basis for action to control this scenario described above.

I sincerely hope that the members of the UN and the current and past leaders of its bodies, as well as the religious and scientific leaders of the planet can understand, accept and process these facts. Because I believe that they truly intend to survive and empower the UN and the people, peoples, states and nations? members the Earth.

And with that, I and we (you as a whole) are talking about the health of the Earth and its fertility and potential for life and civilization in all its divisions of forces, masculine x feminine, positive x negative, Yin Yang, inside and outside the Milky Way – considering, of course, the principles of Unity, Peace, Love, Synergy, Security and common sustainable development and the principles and laws of Justice, Freedom and dignity of the cultural diversity of the planet upheld by the member nations of the UN.

The links of action

Between the central guideline I have listed above and the various specific guidelines I have highlighted in previous articles as projects for global cultural ordering, the master key to moving the process forward combines 3 fields of operation that will be implemented in continuous and permanent synergy with all types of projects, creation and development of human actions on the UN constitutional tripod – be they economic and cultural, political, religious, military and social projects.

The three fields of action

1.??? The field of business and opportunities that contemplates the recruitment and economic-cultural integration of people, states, nations, religions, knowledge, sciences and wisdom (rich and poor) of the world's culture and population, in this central direction aimed at all civilizations in the process:

The defense of the principles of Unity, Peace, Love, Synergy, Security and common sustainable development as the foundations of the State of Justice, Law and Freedom of the cultural diversity of the planet.

Recruitment in this field is in full swing in all nations under the global political and economic direction of the market and competition involving SDGs, NGOs, religion, social volunteerism, business, companies and jobs – with its agents using in particular, the social, political and diplomatic militancy related? TPAN and NPT

2.??? ?The field of Alliance of forces that must contemplate the military ordering of world hegemony as the greatest diplomatic task of the Security Council, ICJ and UN General Assembly together with the cultural forces of the planet and their relations with all the military forces of the world... A field of action to be processed under the alliance and direction of the five permanent largest forces represented by the global body – still in a state of “hibernation”, “torpor” or “dormancy”- of the Security Council,

?3.??? ?The field of Alliance of human forces of global socialization and education that must contemplate the global identity and linguistic ordering of the population of all nations involving the recognition and adoption or reception of the current and next human generations as citizens of the world and their socialization and natural education and school based in the UN constitutional tripod – also in a state of hibernation, but showing basic signs of action in the experience of the CBM and CMS with the children and the project Child Citizen Global X International Family

However, in this part of the project, the axis of operational action is the global identity orderingand linguistic? of Earth and the objective is exactly this:

The Global climate cleanup in Fundamental Literacy, Numeracy (FLN), human global identity control and control of the use of nuclear energy, based on unity, Justice and global security.

This is not about the use of economy, technology and military force or international competition on the SDGs, usually used or developed on protection, policing and control.

So, neutral in relation to market interests and competition in the business field and possibilities of protection, policing and economic and technological control, at this point in history, I highlight in this part of the project a first map of action to end the hibernation of the "elements of alliance"

Because it is the economy, poor and rich, that must adapt to the principles described above as the focus of current human relations. It is not human relations that must adapt to the? economic interests of the market and competition over war and domination.

Architecture of the Actions

At this point in history, the operational steps to be taken, within the objective of realizing the integral cultural Alliance of persons, families, communities, organizations, states and nations on the principles described in this article, involve:

1. The adoption by the UN, in partnership with our different cultures, of a basic linguistic architecture for action – without discarding any of the developing linguistic resources that should be integrated into the process.

I propose to everyone what the UN has recommended:

The Esperanto – and its alliance with all language study resources without leaving any behind.

2. The advancement of the military doctrine of nations to the planetary military doctrine as the Foundation Stone for the establishment of a sustainable planetary state of governance by the victorious nations of the Second World War and sources of the creation and development of the UN - the USA, Russia, China, the United Kingdom and France. The main instruments of force used in the organization, integration and support of the divisions of forces and powers on the planet

3. The alliance between religious, political, economic, military and governmental cultures for the unity, peace and security of the 194 nations of the planet, members of the UN (more than 8 billion people on the planet) and other forces emerging from their relations within and outside their spatial territory.

From my point of view, these three lines of action constitute the operational basis for the realization of a Global Sociocultural Pact for the Future that integrates the global cultural and geopolitical, personal, family, religious, military and economic aspects of the formation, identification, education and organization of human, national and international relations and communication of all our generations within the constitutional tripod of the UN.

In practice, the line of action for the international and multilateral adjustment and validation (legitimation) of the political, military-police and legal, digital and economic aspects of a pact for the future related to all UN treaties and SDGs to be agreed upon at the organization's Future Summit, scheduled for September 2024.

That said, I would like to pause here to reflect on the suggestion of basic actions for the operation of the process over the next 50 years, but already indicating this proposal as an initial action:

The establishment by 2025 of the first world summit on the cultural ordering of the world's confessions, religions and civilizations from the perspective of the UN's constitutional tripod. Basically, through a joint initiative of the UN and the authorities of the "Big Five" and other ethno-cultural authorities of the world in synergy with the next Congress of Religious Leaders to be held in Kazakhstan in 2025, i

With love, peace and Light

Divino Roberto Veríssimo


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