Supporting the War is Supporting Ukraine?
Terry Crock
Done with money into money spending...retired is what I am saying...
February 28, 2025:
The ceasefire was right there on the table. Zelensky refused it. What is Zelensky's strategy to end the war? What is Europe's? If Zelensky and Europe is not happy with the deal Trump made, why are they not trying to make their own deal with Russia?
The leaders of Europe do a lot of talking but nothing else. The USA had a deal on the table. Zelensky walked away from it. Now it is time to get the USA completely out of it. If Zelensky doesn't want the help of the USA to end the war, the USA should certainly not be paying to continue it.
Zelensky didn't like the deal Trump made. That is okay. Then he can go to Russia and settle it himself in any way he pleases. Good luck with getting Europe's help with that.
So many people yap about supporting Ukraine. Yeah, that is easy to say. Talk is cheap. And it makes some people feel morally righteous while doing nothing of any real use. And it seems like those same people are going to support the fighting while thousands more die and while Ukraine is destroyed. Is that how you support Ukraine? By supporting the continuation of the war while thousands more die?
But those same people complain about Trump trying to stop the killing. Ukraine is losing. They have already lost 20% of their county's territory. How is supporting the continual fighting of this war helping Ukraine? It isn't. Ukraine is losing more every day. And yet Zelensky comes over here and rejects the opportunity of a ceasefire. He is a fool.
People complain about what Trump did in his effort to end the war. Well, who else has tried to end it? All of Europe has no strategy to do so. Zelensky has no strategy to do so. So the killing continues because Zelensky rejected the only plan anyone has so far offered.
Like I said, Zelensky can reject everything Trump tried. That is up to him. But the result is the killing continues. And Zelensky has no plan to end it.
It is now time for the USA to step away and stop financing the killing and a war that could have ended now. If Ukraine does not come to an agreement to end the war, there will soon be no Ukraine. Continual fighting and dying and losing is the only strategy anyone has so far come up with other than Trump. Zelensky acts a fool and so the killing continues.
Let us see how Zelensky handles ending the war by himself. He doesn't like the deal the USA was able to work with Russia. Putin was willing to accept the ceasefire. Let Zelensky make his own deal with Russia. Let Europe make a deal. It is obvious Russia is willing to accept a ceasefire. But quit complaining about what Trump tried to do. There could be a ceasefire RIGHT NOW. Zelensky rejected it. If Zelensky can make a better deal with Putin, then let him do so. The continual deaths of his countrymen are on Zelensky now. He rejected a ceasefire agreement but is doing nothing to make one of his own.
People can complain about the deal Trump made with Putin, but who else has even tried to end this war? No one. They just keep throwing money into the war so the fighting continues while Ukraine slowly dies. The ceasefire has been rejected, so Ukraine continues to die. Y ou can support Ukraine all you want with fancy talk and complaints about Trump, but all you are supporting is the slow death of Ukraine. Frankly, if you hate Trump so much that you would rather see Ukraine continue to fight and die and at some point cease to exist, then all your talk about supporting Ukraine is really rather hypocritical stupidity.
Trump's Strategy: A ceasefire.
Zelensky's Response: Reject the ceasefire.
Zelensky's Strategy: Doesn't have one. So the killing continues.
Europe's Strategy: Wait it out while people die.
The Future: Ukraine will cease to exist at some point.
But somehow, allowing this to happen is "supporting Ukraine." But hey, you can blame Trump afterwards. So that should make you feel good inside, I guess. You supported Ukraine right into its complete destruction. Your little "I Support Ukraine" messages won't stop that. Posting Ukraine flags all over won't stop that. It is just "feel good," useless, pretentious virtual signaling. If you really want to support Ukraine, then back up those trying to end the war, not those wanting to continue it.
Oh, and ask yourself, why does Zelensky reject the help of the USA to end the war but wants the help of the USA to continue it?