Supporting our Startup Community in challenging times
Heads up, Toronto Startups: In support of the outstanding Startup and talent community in this city, and the critical role they play in our economy, starting this week I’ll be offering up my time over the phone or video conference to early stage founders and / or their leads to advise on Customer Experience, User Experience and / or Product Design & Strategy at no cost. 100%, no strings attached, no commitments, nothing. I just want to help.
If you’re just getting started, have an early idea, a proof of concept, a pre-release product or service, or you don’t have internal CX, UX or Design resources, I want to do what I can to try and help your business in whatever small way I can.
I know it’s not saving the world. It’s not manufacturing masks or valves. However, whether it’s advising, reviewing work in progress, brainstorming, or sharing my insights and learnings from 20+ years in the field, if I can help Startups, and ultimately our economy, in any way weather this storm, to continue moving forward, to keep innovating, or to de-risk their product or service through Experience or Design Strategy, then as far as I am concerned, it’s the very least I can do.
These are definitely challenging times for everyone, but even more so for those who are brave enough to try to build something from the ground up, to forge their own futures, and to try and change the world - especially in the face of what’s going on worldwide. Add isolation, stir-crazy kids, 200 people-deep lines at grocery stores whenever the Government announces literally anything... we’re definitely living in unprecedented times right now, and for the foreseeable future.
For now, DM me if you’re interested in setting up a 1 hour session. Depending on how long this lockdown lasts or if the demand merits, I may set up a form to self-select available times. But, for now, let’s MVP this and get the conversations started through DMs.
P.S.: Before you ask, I am of course willing to sign any NDAs or agreements to keep your information, IP, concepts, products, services or plans confidential.