Supporting our Charity, The Audacious Foundation
Chris Moran
Developing processes that help streamline your business. Helping clients get the best out of Zoho solutions. 1/3 of JCM profits are used to support local charities fighting childhood poverty
View this email in your browserCovid-19 Update
At a time when we are navigating the evolving situation with the current pandemic, we wanted to let you know that the Audacious Foundation is still committed to serving our communities. It is especially important to us that we respond to the growing needs of those who are vulnerable or isolated; providing support and resources through a range of programs. These include:
- Helping frontline staff by delivering food & toiletries to NHS workers at Manchester Children's Hospital
- Providing emergency dry food packages through our community REACH program
- Serving the homeless with a freshly prepared hot meal; every day we are distributing up to 30 takeaway packs to those who are still on the streets.
- Supporting families affected by cancer with crucial transport to hospital appointments & over the phone befriending.
- Engaging language students online with classes continuing every week
- Preparing for easter holiday lunch packs for families who would usually be in receipt of free school meals.
Our team has been working to ensure as many people as possible stay safe & well at this crucial time; and we appreciate your ongoing support.
Did you know that you can set up a regular donation to the Audacious Foundation? Stand with us today by giving a financial gift that meets the immediate needs of people in poverty; helping to build a better future for our local communities. Just £12 per month will help us to continue providing emergency food packages to those who need it most.GIVE £12 TODAY
We trust that you will stay safe and well over the coming weeks. Thank you for partnering with us to make a difference in our communities.
Stuart Keir
CEO, Audacious Foundation
Copyright ? 2020 Audacious Foundation, All rights reserved.
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