Supporting ingredients
Neil Smith
Consulting Partner, specialising in Search & Selection and People Intelligence at Inproe
Why brand is important
Inproe recently celebrated its sixth successful year supporting the ingredients industries. This milestone has allowed me the opportunity to reflect on my time as a specialist recruiter, and has enabled me to take a look at our brand with fresh eyes. Taking stock of what’s changed in the sector and what values endure has shown me that in 2019 there’s a need for a clearer vision. A consistent brand story, strong values and an ownable identity is no longer just the remit of our traditionally consumer-facing cousins.
Like any progressive industry ingredients is evolving, developing to meet the challenges of the 21st century, and we now must balance successful, sustainable business growth with genuine, value-driven social responsibility. Across the board we are witness to the consumer’s growing appetite for origin and traceability, and every day we are reminded of the impact of ethical personal consumption.
The very best of the B2B ingredients industries, companies applying science to nature and harnessing its qualities for creative application, reflect such changing attitudes. They look to the end user, adopting B2C sensibilities in positioning themselves effectively. And this adaptable, future-focused thinking can only help recruitment at a time when attracting creative, resourceful and passionate minds to the ingredients industries has never been more important, or more competitive.
Of course while the industry moves forward in its approach to brand and storytelling, so must the recruiters who help to sell in that vision.
At its best recruitment is and always has been an intimate, personal process, but candidates and clients alike are often subject to rigid search and selection processes that marginalise those they are apparently designed to serve.
Inproe is a positive reaction to this - a business built around the principle of creating long lasting and personal partnerships.
It’s time that our brand, six years in and credible with an established intimate approach, celebrated these values and told that story. We are very proud to launch the new
Rebrand and website designed and produced by Lynsay Biss.