Supporting homeless youth by sleeping out
As we approach the holiday season this year and begin to think about the year that has almost gone by; let’s not forget that there are kids who don’t have what we take for granted – a roof over our head.
On Thursday, November 21st, I will be sleeping out along with a few other Cisco brothers and sisters to support Covenant House Sleep Out movement, so that homeless kids don’t have to.
This isn’t about pretending to be homeless. It’s an act of solidarity and a demonstration to homeless youth that we care - showing them that we will not stay indoors while so many kids remain outside.
One night can make a difference and I am counting on your support. As part of my Sleep Out, I’m raising funds and awareness for Covenant House, an organization that provides shelter, safety, and support to homeless and trafficked youth.
The money we raise is put to work immediately, helping keep the lights on and the doors open for every young person who seeks help this year
I’ve set an ambitious fundraising goal, and I can’t reach it without you. Please consider supporting my efforts by making a donation to my Sleep Out.
How will your donation help kids experiencing homelessness and trafficking? Please consider donating anything you can (donations are fully tax deductible), and please keep these kids in your heart and minds!
? $100 dollars - will provide one night of care for a youth…
? $250 dollars - will help 3 youth receive critical medical care at the onsite medical clinic.
? $500 dollars - will enable a youth to have hot and nutritious meals for the full 90 days that they can stay in the Safe Have – Immediate Needs Shelter.
? $1,000 - will provide 5 with the skills they need to find employment in the Wellness Center.
? $2,500 - will cover the cost of the critical Independent Living Skills program for a youth in the Transitional Housing Program.
? $5,000 - will cover the cost of food, blankets, and hygiene products for 500 youth that we will reach on the streets of Chicago, through the Street Outreach Program in the next 3 months.
Thank you for your support!
Make a donation in support of my Sleep Out by clicking the
Raj Chacko