Supporting healthy women through mineral supplementation?
Iron to combat anemia?
Anemia is a condition in which blood contains fewer red blood cells or lower hemoglobin levels than normal (1). It affects an estimated 17.9% of European women. The global average is 29.9%.?
Anemia that is caused due to an iron deficiency is the most common type of anemia. It can be detected by findings of red blood cells that are smaller and paler in color than normal, or by a hemoglobin level lower than 11.6 to 15 g/dL for women (2). This most often happens when a woman loses too much blood during heavy or long menstrual periods, has frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from uterine fibroids or certain intrauterine devices.?
Iron deficiency anemia is usually corrected with iron supplementation?
Why iron??
Iron is a micronutrient that helps produce energy in our bodies (3). It also contributes to oxygen transport in the body by helping in the formation of red blood cells. ?
PlantaCorp’s liquid liposomal iron supplement may be especially helpful because it is 398-times more bioavailable than powdered non-liposomal iron (the form that comes in tablets or pills).??
Contact us today to find out more about our White Label Iron formulation.?
Magnesium for period support?
You could be a part of the 20% of the population that consumes less than two-thirds of the RDA for magnesium (Mg) (4). Did you know that this could explain the cramps, anxiety, constipation, sore muscles, sleep difficulties, and other unpleasant symptoms accompanying menstruation (5).
How is liposomal magnesium beneficial??
Our modern-day diets alone cannot provide us with the daily recommended dose of Mg. We ask you to therefore, consider PlantaCorp’s liquid liposomal magnesium which was found to be 5.18-times more bioavailable than a competitor’s powdered non-liposomal product. This is because liposomal encapsulation protects the destruction of magnesium by digestive juices and increases the intestinal retention time. This leads to more magnesium being absorbed and delivered to our blood stream.