Supporting Growing Charities
Elizabeth Wright
Helping Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Achieve Growth Through Reliable Virtual Assistant Services | Specialising in Organisational Efficiency & Access to Work Support
Admin and More can help growing charities in several ways – we understand that working in the third sector can be tough and have you can harness to make your lives – and your results – better.
like many smaller charities, responsibility for fundraising and all the associated paperwork falls on one person – probably you – then you definitely need to talk to us – we can support growing charities improve results by helping you income.
Here are three specific areas where Admin & More can help:
1. By using a sliding scale of charges, depending on the amount applied for, smaller charities often ask us to Trust & Foundation applications on their behalf – because we will only charge once the funding target has been achieved (charges will be invoiced once funding is secured).
2. If you’re not making the most of your Gift Aid benefit, going back up to four years, we can probably help you to recoup significant income
3. Trustee meetings can often be quite stressful for small charities, and it can be helpful to have someone independent attend and take notes throughout – providing accurate and comprehensive minutes to all attendees. This is a service we and can make these events run much more smoothly – and ensure that actions are captured and implemented.
For more information on how we can help your growing charity succeed, click here [link to].
Our mission to help charities is drawn from personal experience working in fundraising for a national charity, so we really do know what we are talking about – and how to improve your charity’s results.
You may find there are other services we can offer your too – why not call us on 01933 428151 for a chat?