Supporting grant funding applications
Varaidzo (Vee) Mapunde
Co-Director at NIHR HealthTech Research Centre in Accelerated Surgical Care
The NIHR has a couple of open funding calls for medical technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI):
- NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme launched the 21st round of its i4i Product Development Awards (PDAs) on 20th October 2020. The i4i PDAs fund the development of disruptive early-stage medical technologies that address existing or emerging healthcare needs.
- NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme launched the 11th round of the Challenge Awards competition on 4th November 2020. The i4i Challenge Awards Call 11 funds the assessment of medical device and in vitro diagnostic innovations in healthcare settings. The aim is to shorten the evidence gap between the safety & efficacy evidence typical of a technology recently placed on the market and what is required for decisions by commissioners and regulators.
- NHS Round 2 AI in Health and Care Awards launched on 3rd November 2020 and is open to any artificial intelligence (AI) technology. There are four Phases you can apply to, which support innovations at different stages of development. While any technology that helps meet the aims of the NHS Long Term Plan will be considered, for Phases 3 and 4 we particularly encourage applications in the following focus areas to apply: triage, imaging, screening, and intelligent operational automation.
A key requirement of these funding calls is patient and public involvement (PPI) and any of the NIHR infrastructure units will be able to support your funding applications with this. At the NIHR Surgical MedTech Co-operative (Surgical MIC) we can facilitate PPI focus groups, lay summary review or even provide PPI collaborators for your application. If you have never come across the concept of PPI, then we encourage you to have a discussion with us to work out your requirements and expectations.
In addition to PPI input, we can also provide support with the following which are important for a successful application:
- Unmet need and patient/user benefit - we can assist with describing the unmet clinical need as well as providing evidence for this. We have access to a clinical/healthcare professional network who will be able to explain how your proposed solution will address the need that has been identified. They can also advise on any potential cost savings and routes to adoption.
- Project plan - we can advise on the appropriateness of your aims, objectives, project team expertise and work packages, as well as advise on risk management strategies.
So if you have a technology or AI that for any aspect of surgery (pre to post operative), just drop us a line at [email protected] to find out if we can support your funding application to these calls. If not, we may be able to direct you to another NIHR unit that is best placed to support you.