Supporting ERP processes using Artificial Intelligence
Our post examines how processes managed in enterprise resource planning systems can be supported using Artificial Intelligence services.
Data security and data reliability are a top priority for all organizations. The data stored in ERP systems must be reliable and accurate. In business areas supported by enterprise resource planning systems, this is essential for decision-making and compliance with legal obligations.
Recording and verifying data in ERP systems
Data is entered into ERP systems almost continuously and at many points by staff in different departments. For example, when supplier invoices are recorded, a significant amount of fresh data is entered into the ERP system.
The process of entering the information itself is complex and requires a great deal of attention. In addition, the numerical and technical verification of the information entered is also a sigificant responsibility, a series of data or a declaration must match exactly, and even minor errors can require costly and time-consuming corrective processes.
The role of artificial intelligence in verifying recorded data
Let’s look at how AI (Artificial Intelligence) can help, for example, in the recording and processing of supplier invoices. Can AI independently book and replace the work of experts?
The answer is not straightforward, because in a flawless process system with accurate data it could, but not so much in the real and imperfect world. However, AI services are available at affordable prices that can deliver significant resource savings and data quality improvements. AI services already offer a more effective solution than human work regarding data validation and comparison. A substantial proportion of invoice operations fall into this category.
The concept of ERP system
ERP is an acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning.
The term ERP system refers to an integrated business process management software that ideally enables real-time access to the captured data of the organization. ERP software usually covers the activities of several business units. The ERP system also enables data to be collected, stored, managed, processed and interpreted in each area, and does all this at the level of the entire company or even a group of companies.
The ERP system provides a continuously updated and integrated view of the company’s processes, which are stored in a common database.
Automating data capture with artificial intelligence
Vendor invoice data capture can be highly automated by incorporating techniques that combine artificial intelligence. Currently, the frontier of what can be automated is around data recognition and verification, the professional decision-making is still a human task. Artificial intelligence models are evolving rapidly, and their ever-improving capabilities will have a major impact on corporate administration in the next few years.
It is important to underline that the widespread availability of AI models represents a real step forward in business process automation. Still, their use and integration into processes is a complex task that requires expert support.
If you have questions about the practical application of Artificial Intelligence, please contact our AI experts!
Accelerating ERP processes with AI services
From the point of view of a process mapped in an ERP system, there are several possibilities to speed up the process without changing the data quality, or even improving it.
When capturing vendor invoices, AI can recognize the data on the document with high confidence and capture it in a database, regardless of the file format sent to the processing algorithm. This can be an image, such as a scanned copy of the document, pdf, pdf and xml combined, plain xml, or other exotic file formats.
With the support of the AI algorithm, we can automatically sort out the individual parts of the document batch handled during the invoicing process, such as the invoice, the delivery confirmation, the delivery receipts and other documents. A digital copy of the documents managed in the process and the data linking them together are available. Those involved in the processing can identify which document belongs to where, as the correlations are also available in the digital data.
The AI model also provides efficient support for cross-checking between related documents. The AI performs the verification of PO (Purchase Order) number, amount or other relevant data on the delivery note and invoice with high efficiency.
Our experience shows that AI-integrated invoice processing processes can result in significant human resource savings, with optimally improved data quality and faster processing.
If you would like to achieve efficiency gains in your company’s ERP processes, AI is ready for the job!
DocuLine Enterprise DMS
If you are interested in AI-supported document processing solutions, discover DocuLine, an application developed by our company, which supports efficient operation with flexible and modern functions in the field of digitization and automation of work processes!
Using the system makes administrative processes more efficient and helps internal communication. You can store documents securely and protected by permissions, avoiding unauthorized access. The application offers remote access, which enables effective home office work. Don’t waste your time with repetitive manual tasks, free up your resources by digitizing and automating processes.
The digitalization and artificial intelligence team of Onespire Ltd. provides professional consulting and development services.
If you have questions about how to support processes managed in ERP systems using AI services, request a free consultation with our experts!
Supporting ERP processes using Artificial Intelligence
Author: Bereczki Zsombor
Images made with generative AI by Vanda Kocsis