Supporting America not seditious groups
Allen Shisler
CEO / President, VP, Aerospace Defense Industry - Aircraft Solutions, CLS, Supply Chain, MRO, International BD
The Anti-Trump groups are the most un-American, unpatriotic and most seditious groups since the groups against John Adams at the beginning of America. Most are paid groups from foreign sources, criminal sources or George Soros. Some are afraid that President Trump will expose their corruption. So they are fighting hard spending millions of dollars for paid demonstrators. Spending millions of dollars supporting the FAKE media. You can go back in history and see a correlation with how Hitler took over Germany, Russia took over from the Czar, Communist took over China. It started with Propaganda from the news sources, then political sources, then riots, then a full take over. They are following Saul Alinsky, communist manifesto, and the communist play book. So yes they are communist doing this. Maybe McCarthy was right in the 1950s. WE have to fight the takeover of America and back President Trump.