Support Year 6 as they make the jump to secondary school
Now Press Play
An award-winning edtech resource working with over 500 primary schools to extend life experiences.
As we approach the end of the school year, your Year 6 pupils might be feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension about their next school adventure.
Luckily, you can use our Transition Experience to help prepare pupils by looking at some of the challenges they might face as well as offering ways to cope with this change.
Resources to light up your summer term
Take EYFS/KS1 on a trip to the seaside
EYFS/KS1 Transport
KS1 Seasons
KS2 Modern Foreign Languages
Get your pupils to connect with themselves and the world around them with Sky Arts’ Access All Arts week (17 - 21st June)
Did you know?
We're exhibiting at NAHT's Inspiring Leadership Conference!
To find out more about how now>press>play helps schools enrich learning across the curriculum, you can book a free trial on our website.
We hope you enjoyed this key datesedition of our newsletter, and we look forward to connecting more with the #educommunity in future updates.