Support social and emotional learning this Mental Health Awareness Week
Now Press Play
An award-winning edtech resource working with over 500 primary schools to extend life experiences.
Take this moment to explore our PSHE resources and introduce emotionally complex situations to your pupils in a safe and comfortable environment.
Create enriching PSHE lessons that teaches pupils key emotional skills such as empathy and resilience.
Teaching resources for upcoming key dates
Introducing Deaf characters into our Experiences
EYFS We Are All Different
Hearing impaired provision at Glebe Primary
Celebrate World Environment Day with our brand new KS1 Oceans & Seas Experience!
Did you know?
We are celebrating 100 Experiences!
To find out more about how now>press>play helps schools enrich learning across the curriculum, you can book a free trial on our website.
We hope you enjoyed this key datesedition of our newsletter, and we look forward to connecting more with the #educommunity in future updates.