Support Scouting
That time of year again, where I go and ask everybody to support scouting by buying some Popcorn or sending some to the USA Troops - either via my boys, or the kids you see selling popcorn over the next month! This is my 6th year, working with my boys, and the boys of the pack and troop. It has been a pleasure to watch Jacob’s Den grow from Tigers into Boy Scouts over the last 5 plus years as their Den Leader, and see them off for a week living and learning in the woods up in Wente without most of the parents around. Now that Jacob is in the Troop, I have continued as a Den Leader, but now with Jesse’s Den, to help those 10 boys move from Webelos to Boy Scouts in the next 18 months … And still work at the Pack level, 3 years as Committee Chair and now in my second year as Secretary – or, Historian, old guy that helps make things work.. The kids have a great time and grow – the websites have some fun pictures too…
Thanks for your consideration - Support Scouting - Rich