Support Rural Maharashtra
Our past relief work.

Support Rural Maharashtra

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Hi, I am reaching out today to seek your support for our latest campaign - , mostly covering the south Maharashtra region.

If you just Google or Facebook, you will find not much support is being channelized to these regions. As a result, constantly this region is still in the red zone. Hence we are preparing for the following support activities:

1. Food for All - For people in slums, redlight areas, migrants, daily wage workers, and hospitalized patients (approx 4.5 lakh people below the poverty line in Sangli district alone)

2. O2 For Sangli - Currently we are looking to have 20 Oxygen concentrators in our rent-free Oxygen Bank. These concentrators will help recovering and mild symptoms patients and keep more beds vacant. 

3. Ventilator Repair - Due to the unavailability of technicians many ventilators are broken/not working, we are repairing those. In fact, we could arrange technicians for 70 machines so far. 

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During last year's COVID-19 wave, we kept our relief work going and reached many of them. We were focusing on cities and since help was pouring, we were able to make a great impact. Sadly, all of us ignored rural parts which are now most affected and if we do not act now, we will soon see 3rd wave covering all news headlines.   

I request you to help us in any possible way you can, financial support helps but even letting others know about our work will lead us to reach our goal. 

Campaign Link:

For any further information about relief work planned, you can reach out to me or visit our website/social media pages listed below.

Thank you



Niranjan Demanna

Founder / ?????????? ?????

+91 9049303060

Mumbai / Sangli


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