support root the first programming school in Egypt
Mostafa El-Marzouki
POS Lead Software Engineer at Paymob | FinTech | EMV | ISO | +24K
- about root :
root is first programming school in Egypt, that aims to :
enrich the Arabic content in programming and design
developing the Arabic software
- what we made in the past year ?
we started making events and technical camps to improve the technical awareness in Egypt
we made some creative events like :
"hello world
"run the code
started our first technical journey "???? ????? ?? ??????"
and finished the first two stations of it
kafr el-shikh
know more about our journey : Click here
or you can simply google it! "???? ????? ?? ??????"
- what we need?
now we need a lab equipped with technology such as : computers, internet, data show and hardware components .. etc to make software and hardware development rooms
we need your support to make our dream happen
and give the chance to the coming generations to keep up with the great continuous evolution of technology
for a better tomorrow :)
- we need you support !
donate, support us
campaign link :
share our campaign video and encourage other to support us
video link :
follow our social media channels and make some noise about our campaign
support us on hashtag #???_????_????
Thank you for your support, you are the best :)