IT support problems? Here's why.

IT support problems? Here's why.

The reasons why your IT support doesn't work.

I have compiled the top 3 reasons as to why your IT support isn't working for you or your business.

Be prepared, it may not be what you expect...

#1 You don't want it to.

You've had bad experience after bad experience and it has worn you and your colleagues down. You've become cynical when it comes to anything relating to IT and you're considering throwing your PC out of the window and grabbing a notepad and pen -- because you trust the good old pad and pen. It has never let you down (apart from that time your pen exploded -- but anyway...) you don't trust technology or anyone to do with it -- why can't it be 1974 again?

#2 You're still using the same tech you were 10 years ago.

Imagine buying a brand new car in 2009. You love it, it runs like a dream and all your friends are jealous; "Wow! 09 plate? I wish I had one of those!" -- you cruise around, smiling ear to ear because you spent a whole load of money and it was totally worth it.

It's now 2013... and what a great 4 years it's been. No faults, no breakdowns, nothing. People may have had new cars since you drove yours off the forecourt but who cares! You still love it, you've made some modifications to it and it works perfectly. I mean, the engine light comes on now and again but that's ok right?

You take it for another service and the engineer tells you the engine is on it's way out. He says you could replace it, but it would probably cost more than what the car is worth. He can help you out in the short term, but you really need to start thinking about a new car. "No way." you say. "I spent a lot of money on this car, it still works, so not a chance."

6 months later, you have your first breakdown on the motorway. It has ruined your entire morning and cost you a days work. You take it back to the same garage -- "What did you do?! It's never broken down before but now you've messed on, it has!" The engineer persists in telling you that the engine needs replacing or you need a new car. You screw your face and leave the garage. "I'm never going back there, what a rip off."

Know where I'm going with this one yet?

You find a new garage, still local and they provide another short term fix and send you on your way, smiling once again. A couple of months later, the breakdown happens again. You take it to your newly chosen garage, they take a look and tell you, "The engine is on it's last legs. It needs replacing. It will cost you £x or in my opinion, it'd be worth getting a new car." ... you come out of the garage, seething... "Can I not find one garage who doesn't want to take me for a ride!".

The year is 2019. Your precious car can only drive a few miles in 3rd gear before conking out, but it's ok -- it still works and you spent a lot of money on it so you won't be replacing it unless you absolutely have to. You've now put your safety at risk and the safety of other road users too... if only you could find a garage you could trust.

#3 You only speak to your IT team when something goes wrong.

Conversations with both your IT department and/or your IT partner should be a regular occurrence and a boardroom discussion. Technology can elevate any business given the right solution and the appropriate education of employees. Your IT team should be in the driving seat when it comes to recommending solutions for your business.

If you are only speaking to your IT team when your technology is broken, you need to seriously reconsider what it is you are paying for. The most successful businesses maximise their return on investment when it comes to spending on new tech -- don't get left behind.

If you want to have a conversation about IT within your business, contact me on:

[email protected] // 07584 563 983


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