Support President Trump
Lee Rosenfeld
Operations Manager at Freeman's Luggage and Gifts, Former President - Surfers for Autism, Advocate in the Autism World
Am I the only one besides President Trump that knows everything he does is a carefully thought out plan! Alot of it is just for the reaction. It is hillarious to listen to the media making their comments and speculation about what they think is really going on. He does get things done. Taxes have been cut. North Korea has slowed down and wants to sit down and talk. Iran is pretty quiet lately. DACA and immigration could be done quickly and easily if Congress wanted it done. A one Page Bill, 1.8 Million given path to citizenship, Total funding for WALL, Visa distribution by review instead of lottery and changes to chain immigration. It does what our country needs to protect itself and have immigrants that want to be Americans. We all need to get on the "Make America Great Again" Train and support our President in his efforts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!