Support our Essay Contest for Students

Dear friends and colleagues:

I’m sure you know about the essay contest I started last year. 

It was an enormous success – 1,500 eligible high school students; 750 submissions; over 200 judges and sponsors; $10,000 raised, all of which went to winning students. We taught these high schools about the art of writing well and of solving problems. 

Well this year I wanted to double it. I added two more schools and twice the number of students, and I’m now trying to raise much more money to go to these students as they solve this year’s problem: texting and driving.  I also formed a non-profit this year to make all donations tax deductible. Like last year, I’m issuing all donors a dollar-for-dollar credit with my firm for legal services (up to $375, which you can transfer to anyone else), and all donors are listed in wide-ranging online and print materials going to thousands of homes and businesses.

Please do me the favor of donating to this incredible contest.  Help me keep it going. Just go here to donate, and please consider giving generously.

Thanks in advance.



