Support a low income family to put solar on their home
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GIVING POWER is a crowd-funding campaign led by the Bendigo Sustainability Group [BSG], to provide fully funded and installed solar systems to low income families, in the Bendigo area and across the Loddon Mallee region.
ALL businesses, community groups and caring individuals, are invited to contribute via:
According to a report by the Australian Council of Social Services, low income households are disproportionately affected by rising energy costs, with more people struggling to make ends meet. In this, the need for both affordable & sustainable energy options has become increasingly urgent.
This project addresses two key & overlapping issues:
1.????providing solar systems for households that cannot afford them
2.????transitioning to cleaner energy sources as critical to our environment
The funds raised through the campaign will be used as a contribution towards the purchase and installation of solar systems on low income homes.
The campaign will run for three months and aims to raise $63,000. These funds, paired with both Federal and State Government rebates will enable solar systems to be purchased and installed on approximately 30 homes.
Delivered as a small-scale pilot project - with success – the Bendigo Sustainability Group will then significantly expand the model. Aiming to assist hundreds if not thousands of households across the region.??
All donations are welcome, no matter how big or small.
For example your $60, PLUS Government $ Subsidies will enable the purchase of 1 solar panel on 1 home. Your $220 will provide a solar array of 3 panels plus mounting and $2,100 will enable an entire 3 kW solar system [valued at approx. $5000].
A 3 kilawatt solar system will help one low-income family save $750 per year on their electricity bill and stop 4.2 tonnes of greenhouse gases from being emitted into the atmosphere. Over the life span of these panels that’s equivalent to planting 470 trees & taking 24 cars off the road for a year.
Contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future
Approximately 40,000 homeowners in the Loddon Mallee region are classified by the government as "Low" or "Very Low" Income Households, making up 29% of all households. Out of these households, about 4,000 are currently experiencing mortgage stress, which is equivalent to 3% of all households. The City of Greater Bendigo alone has 1,350 households in this category.
By supporting this project, you can make a significant difference to the lives of these families. The more people who contribute, the more families the BSG can assist, the stronger their message to the government: encouraging them to provide additional funding, expanded clean energy programs and most importantly to hear the powerful message ‘we care about each other and our environment.’
Let's come together and make clean energy accessible to everyone in our community by paying it forward today. Please GIVE NOW!
This project hosted, led and funded by the Bendigo Sustainability Group, is also supported by the Victorian Government’s Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action through the New Energy Jobs Fund program. Delivery support by Bendigo Community Health Services & communication services by Make a Change Australia.
To find out more visit: or get in touch with the team via [email protected] or 03 5443 5244.