Is Support a Cost Center?
David Lang
Growth Leader | Customer Success | Digital Adoption | TrustPoint's mission is to revolutionize construction & renovation lending with AI-driven insights & streamlined workflows to empower lenders, builders, & investors.
I've heard this statement many times. "Support is a cost center". It's usually said in the context of lowering costs.
Support is a cost of doing business. Many if not most companies choose to consolidate that cost into a cost center so that it can be better measured and managed.
A company can manage the cost associated with supporting customers by improving product quality, improving product design and usability, and with better documentation.
A company can also control to what extent to resource against the cost.
By under resourcing the support, the company‘s overall cost will increase. Indirect costs will go up by way of reduced customer satisfaction and increased churn.
Under resourced support also generally results in decreased organizational efficiency by way of additional account management, management cycles for a customer escalations, and drain on other organizations within the company that are pulled into Support. For example a sales rep being pulled into a Support issue by an angry customer.
By resourcing heavily against support, cost is mitigated by increased customer satisfaction, word-of-mouth expansions, and reduced churn.
Obviously many factors go into deciding at what level to resource against support cost and generally those factors are dynamic and will change and evolve over time. There will always be a balance that works at that time and with the current set of variables and external factors. The key is to make conscious decisions with a full understanding of your actual costs, and what will be the impact of a change in investment.
Support is a cost of doing business, it doesn’t have to be a cost center, but it should be.