Support for the CAA
4th of May 2021
Hi All
At the most recent CAA Board meeting, the directors presented to members a strategy to raise funds to make the CAA more effective.
Raising the subs for members as was agreed at the last AGM with the additional income barely covering our Insurance premium.
Currently, we service many non-members with up-to-date information of our operations and often receive input from them influencing our work.
We would respectfully request our supporters to consider either a donation or formally apply to join the CAA as a full or associate member.
No CAA member receives any salary for their effort, some working the equivalent of full time on the project.
Ironically, now having a Chief Commissioner, Shane Patton who views Policing through a prism similar to ours, has not mitigated our work but increased it.
To assist the CAA in broadening our reach please review the link at re membership/sponsorship and consider becoming a donor or more formally involved.
There are no obligations under our constitution for members to attend meetings, that only applies to the directors.
Our time target is two months.
Ivan W Ray Chief Executive Officer Community Advocacy Alliance Inc.