Support Black Writers During This Year's Giving Tuesday Campaign
On August 22, 1990, the Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Foundation was incorporated in Washington, D.C. with early supporters including Henry Louis Gates, Terry McMillan, Gloria Naylor, John Edgar Wideman, Nikki Giovanni, Maya Angelou, John Grisham and Toni Morrison.
We are honored to have had (and to continue to garner) the financial blessings from all walks of writers and readers who find value in our mission-driven work.
We ask you to SAVE THE DATE: Nov. 29, 2022!
In two weeks, the Hurston/Wright Foundation will campaign to raise $5k to support our mission to?#SupportBlackWriters.
GivingTuesday is a global fundraising movement that began 10 years ago to activate radical generosity among everyday people. Since its start, millions of people have celebrated radical generosity by contributing to the mission-driven organzations that do the work that they support.
We appreciate supporters like you who will help us raise $5k by or before Giving Tuesday on Nov. 29. Click this link for more information and feel free to contact us directly if you want to start your own?#GivingTuesday?campaign on our behalf. We will provide a toolkit of images and links to help you spread your message easily.
Thank you for being part of our community!