Supply network optimization: the essential guide for business users

Supply network optimization: the essential guide for business users

Point of View

By Luca Massasso, September 2022

The work of business planners in an era of supply chain disruptions is more complex than ever. Choosing the right solution can be daunting. Although software vendors promise wonders, we all know many projects do not meet expectations. But did you also know that procedures based solely on spreadsheets are still widespread? Even though they leave planners struggling with data harmonization and coordination among multiple IT systems as they try to make feasible supply plans? Business planners should be able to focus on optimizing business decisions, what-if-analysis, and supply chain performance across the entire enterprise. Global planning supported by a centralized solution is no longer an option. It’s mandatory.

This paper explains why supply optimization techniques require a different setup from other IT solutions and closer collaboration between IT and global business teams. You will learn what is needed and why it is needed. You may also be surprised to see how mid-sized companies can now adopt these solutions as well, thanks to cloud-based deployment. Bizbrain shares with you the result of a decade of successful implementations of supply solutions based on SAP Integrated Business Planning. Official SAP numbers report more than 1200 SAP IBP customers and more than 400 customers using SAP IBP for Response and Supply. These numbers show the relevance of SAP and its cloud solution in the digital supply chain space.

?Read the entire paper here

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