Suppliers, refining our offer, and the Crystal Maze

Suppliers, refining our offer, and the Crystal Maze

One of the things that sets us apart from other small change management consultancies, ?is the strength of collaboration we foster with our suppliers.? The Change Management projects we work on often require very specific experience and we look to our supplier base to source associates with the right skill set and approach.? People are a vital ingredient in our offer alongside our bespoke approach and extensive business networks.? So bringing our suppliers together regularly to network, connect, share feedback and experience is a priority for us.


So on the 5th July we congregated in London for our latest supplier event.? With a general election just concluded where Change was the central theme, the timing was unintentionally perfect.? We met to hear feedback from a supplier perspective on our offer and industry trends in change management.? But first an icebreaker with a difference – we split into 2 teams to play The Crystal Maze!


There’s nothing like a competition to bring people together and create a sense of achievement, trust and teamwork.? As we usually work on different projects this was a rare chance to spend time working together to tackle challenges and find solutions.? Some of the games we played were from the original tv show which a handful of us could remember (whilst not being able to recall too many specific details!).? With us split into 2 teams there could only be one winner with The A Team coming out tops and B is for Better staying resilient in the face of defeat.

Our supplier events always include a business meeting and this time we asked the team to provide feedback on our Change Management offer, how we reach new audiences and continue to grow sustainability.? This in turn means more future opportunities for the suppliers who work with us.? We covered a broad range of topics including our strengths and expertise, our USP, case studies, marketing investment and attending/speaking at events and conferences.? It’s always illuminating to understand how we are perceived by suppliers and we will now work as James and Carmichael Partners to build this feedback into actions.?

After exercising both our bodies and our brains, some refreshment was needed.? Our meeting finished with a visit to The Nest at Treetop Hotel Group for refreshments and networking.

We all feel the benefit of these regular Supplier Events and they foster a sense of true collaboration and purpose in helping our clients with their change programmes.? The importance of spending time together cannot be under estimated and we all find the experience incredibly energising.? With all of us working with different client projects and businesses getting together, face to face, and creating some headspace for feedback, discussion and future planning is so important.? It’s one of the things that makes James and Carmichael special.


If you have a need for a specific expertise within your change programme, why not talk to us about what we can offer.? Many of our team have more than 20 years experience in the industry and a wealth of knowledge to share.? With experienced Change, Communications, Programme and Project Managers in our network we are confident we add significant value to your project.



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