Supplemental Environmental Sciences Bulletin Board - 12 December 2024
Elaine Hanford
Retired Professional Geologist & Environmental Scientist; Consultant & Freelance Technical Editor; Consultant Family History e-Search
Countries pledge to continue talks on global plastics treaty – lots of hot air, money, and no realistic outcome
Texas farmers say fertilizer made with biosolids from sewage waste contaminated with PFAS forever chemicals poisoned the land & killed livestock
Federal Government plans to build new port of entry at Alaska-Canada border south of Tok on the Alcan Highway – Alcan Land Port of Entry will cost estimated $180M
VOCs from Pasco Sanitary Landfill leaking & causing groundwater contamination & indoor air quality in eastern Washington State – ongoing Superfund cleanup – cost thus far $75M
·?????? Superfund site:?
Global warming alarmists are not done yet:? “Last year was the?hottest on record,?oceans boiled,?glaciers melted?at alarming rates, and it left scientists scrambling to understand exactly why.” - But do reveal their ignorance of climate processes
Anthem BCBS now plans on limiting anesthesia coverage during surgery in Connecticut, New York & Missouri – Insurer to determine how long surgery should take – “cynical money grab” and “egregious” policy
EVs facing the reality of a world without government subsidies
Yellow-legged frogs almost wiped out by fungal disease are again thriving in Sierra Nevada – pathogen spread by human activity - frogs resistant to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis were reintroduced
Technological hazard:? OpenAI o 1 called “smartest model in the world now” could fight back when it thinks it will be shut down – life imitating HAL in the 1968 move ‘2001 Space Odyssey’
Utah once again trying to take BLM lands withing the state – Wyoming & Nevada trying to get land turned over to the respective State
FY2024 Performance Report for US Department of Energy indicates DOE is “breeding ground for fraud and abuse” as OIG “identified nearly $1biillion of wasteful spending this year”
·?????? Report:?
$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act was key component of Bidenomics – only about half that money has been “allocated” – questionable success & benefits - future of $42.5 Billion Broadband program?
Update on $1.56 billion Kentucky Lock Addition Project on the Tennessee River – 19 years & still building
·?????? KY Project:?
State officials “deliberating” for 2 years & still at loggerheads on key future water use issues of Colorado River annual conference
US DOE still dangling $750M for hydrogen hub near Philadelphia – “Don’t believe the hydrogen hype!”
Flu-like illness outbreak in the Congo – possible case in isolated patient in Ohio who had returned from Africa – No reason to fear-monger and try to make this another global plandemic
Weaponizing “man-made global warming” – CO2 is part of a natural cycle & not a pollutant
Proposed biochar facility in Moreau, New York, would process human biosolids (i.e., sewage sludge) & have adverse environmental impacts – “grossly disproportionate environmental burden”
CDC warns fentanyl derivative called carfentanil is more potent and causing overdose deaths
·?????? CDC report:?
Humans are waging a (losing) war on rats & rat poison harms endangered wildlife up and down the food chain
·?????? Link to download EPA Report:?
US F&W reward still stands regarding killing of two endangered gray wolves in Washington State - $10,000 per case
Formaldehyde causes more cancer than any other toxic air pollutant – estimated outdoor risk map
Gophers helped restore ecosystem on Mount St Helens after 1980 eruption
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Preserving and passing on recipes and legacies of traditional Diné foods in the Navajo Nation
Oregon EFSC authorized largest solar farm in the State – erroneously calling it “emission-free electricity” since substantial emissions will be generated by extracting requisite raw materials, manufacturing necessary components, site preparation, construction & operation – will put “immense amount of agricultural land out of production”
·?????? Sunstar Solar Project:?
Population growth appears to follow Lotka-Volterra mathematical equations
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Biodiesel failed – produces particulate matter when burned – conflict with raising crops for food – clogs engines
Men who maliciously cut down iconic Sycamore Gap tree to stand trial – 150-year-old tree on Hadrian’s Wall was featured in Robin Hood & treasured by many
Illegal aliens continue to drown during attempts to cross the Rio Grande – deaths near Eagle Pass have surged in recent years – bodies wash up in new locations
Universities facing “enrollment cliff” as declines continue – declining birth rate, rising college costs (i.e., student loans), need for trades and craftsmen increasing – decreasing quality of higher education
Brief history of “leaf peeping” in New England – Henry David Thoreau called October “month of painted leaves”
US F&WS seeking public input on proposal to acquire property 22,000 acres near Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge to bolster protections – Twin Pines Minerals plans to move ahead with mining on adjacent lands
Cows, methane, Bovaer & Bill Gates – a combination that will not lead to anything good
Increasing human activities in the Arctic – industrial activity lighting
·?????? Paper:?
State ownership of now federal lands in Western US is direct path to privatization – states do not have capacity to manage lands on this scale – lawsuit is all about money
Finland burying nuclear waste - $4 billion Onkalo project to seal off “tomb” for 100,000 years
Controversial expansion of Gross Dam in Boulder County, Colorado – halting construction would threaten dam safety vs construction having catastrophic impact
Griffith Park in Los Angeles, California, desecrated by installation of fences
Formaldehyde is detrimental to your health – reduce exposure in your home
Hundreds of vials of live viruses unaccounted for at laboratory in Queensland, Australia – some deadly viruses
Needless Biden deficit spending of $622 Billion over past two months – 40% higher than this time last year
·?????? Monthly Report:?
Successful massive eradication project for rats & mice on Lord Howe Island – ecosystem recovering – prior removals of feral pigs & cats – ongoing weed eradication program
“Net-zero” is meaningless – “It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”
Nuclear energy is a “costly, time-consuming and ultimately futile solution” – environmental impacts & national security risks – each nuclear power plant requires massive amounts of high-performance concrete (and steel) – decommissioning generates massive amounts of concrete waste
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Some lands around Walker Lake being transferred from BLM to Walker River Paiute Tribe
Run-off from heavy ranis transport largest amounts of fertilizer-derived nitrogen pollution to the Gulf of Mexico
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International carbon markets are a disaster – achieve nothing & cause harm
Final EPA rules under TSCA ban all uses of trichloroethylene (TCE) & consumer uses and many commercial uses of perchloroethylene (PCE or?perc) – chlorinated solvents commonly used in industry as degreaser - TCE to be phased out within 3 years & PCE to be phased out over 10 years
Increasing call for swift action by the FDA to exercise authority to recall vaxx
Current “massive migrant crackdown” in Mexico – how long will it last?
Circuit Court of Appeals ruled EPA unfairly denied Kentucky plan for meeting “Good Neighbor Provision” of the Clean Air Act – EPA changed criteria for plan evaluation
New York City moved up to second place in dubious annual ranking of top “judicial hellholes” in the US – abuse of ADA and RICO filings, “nuclear” verdicts, abusive food & beverage litigation and outdated Scaffold Law