If Superpowers want to acknowledge the world?

If Superpowers want to acknowledge the world?

If Superpowers want to acknowledge the world? then it is eligibility of the each greater nation on the earth that they should take responsibility to be "Trustful" to the governments around the world rather ignoring the "rigging" , the corruption and the injustice.

Be in the new world order for truth, righteousness and justice to the nations, generations and the world.

Pakistan government bodies (political) are not elected but selected by rigging processes in election 2024. So from Prime Minister to the president as well as all ministers are illegal and can not rule, governs or constitute anything not even sign the treaties

SCO summit will judged and scrutinize by the youth of each member state of SCO and the great nations as well as the youth of rest of the world.

This summit will be the judgement about the integrity, vision and commitment of the members states how they react to the violations by the current government of Pakistan and their status of respect about democracy, justice and peace as the leader of people of Pakistan Imran Khan is in the jail with the popularity level more than 92% in Pakistan at the moment,

Overview of international conventions and agreements related to corrupt governance and rigging agreed upon by all member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO):

Member States:

  1. China
  2. Russia
  3. Kazakhstan
  4. Kyrgyzstan
  5. Tajikistan
  6. Uzbekistan
  7. India
  8. Pakistan

International Conventions:

  1. United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC): Ratified by all SCO member states.
  2. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Bribery Convention: Russia and China are signatories; India and Kazakhstan are observers.
  3. Asian Development Bank (ADB) Anti-Corruption Policy: All SCO member states are ADB members.
  4. G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan: China, Russia, and India are G20 members.
  5. BRICS Anti-Corruption Agreement: China, Russia, and India are BRICS members.

Regional Initiatives:

  1. SCO Convention against Terrorism: Signed in 2009; aims to combat terrorism, separatism, and extremism.
  2. SCO Agreement on Cooperation in Combating Crime: Signed in 2015; focuses on cooperation in fighting crime, including corruption.
  3. Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) Anti-Corruption Agreement: Signed in 2014; aims to prevent and combat corruption among EEU member states (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, and Armenia).

National Laws:

Each SCO member state has its own domestic laws and regulations addressing corruption:

  1. China: Anti-Unfair Competition Law, Criminal Law, Administrative Litigation Law.
  2. Russia: Federal Law on Combating Corruption, Criminal Code.
  3. Kazakhstan: Law on Combating Corruption, Criminal Code.
  4. Kyrgyzstan: Law on Combating Corruption, Criminal Code.
  5. Tajikistan: Law on Combating Corruption, Criminal Code.
  6. Uzbekistan: Law on Combating Corruption, Criminal Code.
  7. India: Prevention of Corruption Act, Indian Penal Code.
  8. Pakistan: National Accountability Ordinance, Prevention of Corruption Act.

International Cooperation:

SCO member states participate in various international anti-corruption organizations and initiatives:

  1. International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA)
  2. Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)
  3. OECD Working Group on Bribery
  4. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

#SCO #ShanghaiCooperationOrganization #SCOSummit #SCOmemberstates #RegionalCooperation #UNCAC #OECDantiBribery #ADBantiCorruption #G20antiCorruption #BRICSantiCorruption #ChinaAntiCorruption #RussiaAntiCorruption #KazakhstanAntiCorruption #KyrgyzstanAntiCorruption #TajikistanAntiCorruption #UzbekistanAntiCorruption #IndiaAntiCorruption #PakistanAntiCorruption #AntiCorruption #FightCorruption #CorruptionFree #Transparency #Accountability #EurasianEconomicUnion #CentralAsiaCooperation #SouthAsiaCooperation #RegionalSecurity #EconomicCooperation #UNODC #OECD #ADB #G20 #BRICS #IAACA #GRECO #InternationalCooperation #GlobalGovernance #FinancialIntegrity #GoodGovernance #SustainableDevelopment


