Superpowers of Translators
I'm a translator, what is your superpower?

Superpowers of Translators

I'm a translator, what is your superpower?

We wanted to help you discover the secret lives of translators in celebration of the Unique Talent Day!

They are multitaskers: Translators can answer the phone, watch TV series, and sing along while translating a difficult ir.

They know a little bit about everything: They finish a research project on the difference between the hydrostatic extrusion and impact extrusion, and the next day they carry out a research the embossing on propylaeum; therefore they have different knowledge about a wide range of topics.

They can live without sleep: If the project is of great importance and urgent, they can have the energy of Speedster during the day and perform like a vampire during the night.

They can work everywhere: Once they focus on their work, the external noises don’t distract them; they are able to work at a crowded beach, a noisy cafe or a busy office.

They are immune to special days: Due to their busy schedule, they celebrate the New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day and other holidays by working on their translation projects.

They are coffee gourmets: They know about all coffee sorts, how to prepare and enjoy them.

They can type at light speed: Today’s translators took the term “touch-typing” a step further, and rumor has it that some translators' keyboards have caught on fire.

They are word wizards: What you call “that tiny plastic thing on the tip of shoelaces” for you, is an aglet for them. They might use this in a sentence when you expect it the least, and shock you.

They love their job no matter how hard it is: Despite the fact that they work against the clock under challenging conditions, and that they are invisible to the reader, they always finish their projects and save the world quietly.

To think that everyone speaking a foreign language can also be a translator is like thinking that everyone with 10 fingers can be a piano virtuoso or a surgeon.

While knowing multiple languages is only a talent, being a translator is an amazing occupation and a super hero business!


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