SuperMap 3D Solutions for Smart City
In a smart city development, a city is expected to be able to provide information that is not only available, but also easily accessible and has an element of intelligence. Furthermore, smart city can provide a more decent life, good quality education or maybe also job opportunities, a clean and decent environment, and so on.
GIS is an abbreviation for geographic information system, this can be found everywhere. Maybe for those whose geodesy and geomatics background are already very familiar with this, but basically GIS is a tool that can integrate various kinds of spatial data for further analysis until obtained results that can be used as a basis for decision making.
The first we can find GIS in the application traffic , by utilizing vehicle location information, for example public transportation such as buses or trains, we can create a location service system with various features for example to inform customers of bus schedules, notifications when there are delays on the road , or if possible we can arrange a bus that is moving to adjust its speed so that it can get to the bus stop with the appropriate estimated time, so that the customer will not miss the bus.
The second is an emergency application, this will be very useful for dealing with natural or non-natural disasters. By providing a heatmap visualization, which is the result of overlaying a variety of other spatial data, we can find out which areas are the most vulnerable areas of the disaster marked in red or safest, marked in green. Can also do disaster mitigation planning by providing a visual exercise application.
Another example is social governance. For the government, urban planning is not a simple thing, it requires various kinds of knowledge that are collaborated with each other and with the presence of GIS, we can utilize spatial data from various sources, analyze in 2D and 3D, until finally getting conclusions that can be applied in urban planning.
So for 3 dimensions, there are 3 parts that have been developed till now. That are about the data model, then multisource data and in terms of IT technology experience. SuperMap support to integrate 2D and 3D data including 3D symbolization and also apply the analysis function. And please be informed that SuperMap able to handle various types of 3D data such as oblique photography, BIM data, point cloud, 3D field, 3D terrain data, manual modelling, 3D pipeline. The visualization available to be served in various terminal, 3D zero client, VR AR, and 3D printing.
SuperMap BIM
In addition, supermap has very good capability to integrate BIM+GIS. BIM which support to representing building and used to preserved very details information of the object, can be integrated with other spatial data to raise the experience of knowledge how it will looks like among its environment and surrounding, can be the road, park, air, river, and others.
This is the main idea of BIM and GIS integration, BIM has three main components which is maintenance, planning and design, and construction, while GIS is for operation, maintenance, resources, and analysis. To put it simply, BIM is to preserve very details information of building, we can get to know each detail of building object, the texture, the attached information, the interior, and other. While GIS is wider, it more like describe and define larger scale of object, let say when we make a map, we used to representing wide area, not as narrow as bim coverage. So by integrate BIM and GIS, we could get two insights all at once, the details of specific object and insight on how it looks like among its surroundings. Bim+gis means we move and leverage from micro to macro in terms of the coverage, and indoor to outdoor in terms of the details.
Main processing flow of BIM data in GIS platform details as follow:
- First is to check the data whether it still store its original information such as the geometry, attribute, coordinate system. I’ve been highlighting the coordinate system since we import them in GIS so we have to ensure it has correct coordinate system,
- Second one is edit, as we import the data we commonly encounter or loss minor representation such us the geometry, texture, attribute, and last we will edit them to be integrated with other spatial data
- Third is optimization, bim data is usually large, this will have an impact on performance, especially if we are going to bring it to a web based application. So that by implement some treatment as follow, it will help us to raise the performance
- Fourth is reconfigure which means a new 3d scene after we pass the prior three process, and last publish it as a GIS service for web application purpose.
Expression of 3D Continous Space
Another needs is to express intangible data such as sunshine rate, noise field, geological properties, and other, in SuperMap we can make a voxel grid from those data to achieve well display and visualization. These three points is representing what is Voxel Grid:
- Regular division of 3D continuous space or phenomenon.
- Consist of volume elements(Cube/regular hexagonal prism) arranged in regular order in 3D space.
- Simple structure.
To put it simply, it will create an interpolation of 3D sample point dataset and simulate the dynamic slicing and consists of volume elements (regular hexagonal cubes / prisms) arranged regularly in 3D space. Voxel grid is a simple structure that can visualize the area which can not be seen by our own eyes.
Furthermore, we have tried to express the signal value based on voxel grid. The data should be spreading in the whole area, but then, we extract the properties to a specific object for display matters.
We are looking for distributors, resellers, and partners all over the world. For any inquiry, please contact us at: [email protected]