The main difference between nature and humans is the desire to reach its maximum potential.
Nature is in constant survival mode; whether you're a plant, an animal, or a human is irrelevant. Our urge to survive is the condition of existence.
We see how plants or animals adapt. Humans similarly conform to survive.
Except the 4%.
When we find superhumans, it is not about finding an extraterrestrial creature with extraordinary force, laser view, or capable of breathing under the water.
Superhumans are few but are everywhere.
They are a weird and scarce breed of humans who want more than survival and work on evolving.
The first step to becoming a superhuman >> Think < Reason.
Having thoughts is not reasoning. Having thought, also known as thinking, is like breathing: all living creatures breathe without thinking about it; it's effortless and natural. Similarly, thinking is effortless and natural.
FOCUS, CONTROL and MASTERY of our breathing and thoughts is the superhuman condition. From this foundation, other superhuman traits develop.