Be a Superhero

Be a Superhero

Volunteers Week?1-7 June 2023

#volunteersweek #volunteer #volunteering #volunteeringisfun

Build, Fix, Enable

Half-way through Volunteering Week 2023, my social media shows dozens of people making a positive move by offering what they have to assist others in a glorious patchwork of acts. Advocating, cooking, listening, sharing, encouraging engagement and educating, all building, fixing and enabling, allowing others to see their own value and creating that most precious of resources – belonging.

There can never be enough volunteers, and with today’s growing economic pressures many are unable to consider or continue volunteering, it is challenging enough to find paid employment to keep the wheels turning in their own lives. The truth remains however, that if we neglect the volunteer base, somehow hoping that the presence of volunteers is a ‘given’, then we run into serious difficulties, many believe we are at that critical point now.

However many statutory functions are replaced by the third-sector, however many communities find new and innovative ways to continue when funding ends, and however many individuals act as unpaid and almost invisible carers for others, we should not, and cannot neglect to quantify and celebrate this personal investment of millions of people.

The honourable act of volunteering brings immense benefits, not only to those in need but also to the individuals who offer their time and skills. It is a demonstration of compassion, selflessness, and a desire to make an impact.

Of course, volunteering also provides a platform for personal growth and development. Volunteers can build important skills and knowledge in their work and experiences. Whether it’s in education, helping to support those in poverty of many kinds, or being part of that cohesive force which makes life that bit more joyful, volunteers are imagining the shaping their own futures too. They should be afforded the opportunities to enhance skills of leadership and communication, develop a sense of cultural understanding and also look to themselves, understanding the gifts they bring.

On that subject of ‘bringing gifts’, I have always been clear that each day, each hour and each minute a volunteer spends with an organisation is their gift, as important as money, time is precious and helps to work towards the shared vision for the future.

It’s just one of those things, but all my working life has been spent with volunteers as a valuable part of teams I have worked in. To understand their commitment, their goals, their reasons for accepting the responsibilities always brings so much to any organisation or group. In an all too contrary, polarised and conflicted world, people are still willing to do the little things, to push forward to a better future.

The Churches I have ministered in would not exist without volunteers, the charities I have worked with would be unable to function, and those places in so many communities which act as a last-resort for so many are, you guessed it, usually staffed by volunteers. Our schools are governed by them, our food banks are stocked by them, millions rely upon them. This is where you could add your own particular example…I'm sure you, dear reader, have many more...

Volunteering is the gift that keeps on giving, in so many ways, to have the time and resources to look outwardly, towards those who need your assistance enhances mental and emotional wellbeing for those who volunteer. Research has shown that individuals who volunteer regularly experience increased levels of happiness, fulfilment, and a sense of purpose in life. By helping others, volunteers foster a sense of thankfulness, which positively influences their overall outlook. Additionally, volunteering provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, creating a compassionate network that can help tackle feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Then of course, there are the big things – those things like faith and belief, a sense of service and social and global responsibility, yes volunteering ticks those boxes too, as they become ambassadors for positive change, compassion, empathy, spreading awareness and inspiring others to get involved and make a difference.

Volunteers are part of a powerful force which has the potential to transform lives and create stronger, more compassionate communities. Through personal growth, community development, and a commitment to social responsibility, volunteers make an enduring impact on the world. Volunteers are collectively creating a brighter future to inspire a culture of generosity, kindness, and service.

Can you volunteer? Take ten minutes, put the kettle on, make a cuppa, and think about where you would like to be a superhero. They will be delighted to hear from you!

Mark Lawson-Jones



