Supercomputing News: Accelerating into 2025 with IT4Innovations
IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center
High-Performance Computing
Dear Fans of the National Supercomputing Center,
Welcome to the final newsletter of 2024! This edition highlights key events, including the establishment of the CLARA Centre of Excellence, uniting top scientists from the Czech Republic, France, and Germany to tackle neurodegenerative diseases.
We also enjoyed connecting with many of you at the Users' Conference of IT4Innovations, featuring inspiring talks and supercomputing insights. Don’t miss our interview with Patrick E. Farrell, where he shares how he uses supercomputers to solve complex physics problems.
Thank you for being part of our community. Wishing you an inspiring and wonderful close to 2024!
The IT4Innovations Team
CLARA: New centre of excellence to combat neurodegenerative diseases
A unique interdisciplinary CLARA Centre of Excellence will be established in the Czech Republic, pushing the boundaries of research into neurodegenerative diseases. It will bring together leading Czech, French, and German scientists to deliver a new approach using artificial intelligence, advanced computational modelling, and quantum computing. Vít Vondrák, Managing Director of IT4Innovations, has been appointed Head of Testbed.
Supercomputers taking the lead: the Users' Conference of IT4Innovations
At this year's User Conference, 79 participants attended, 22 lectures were given, and 33 posters were presented. On the IT4Innovations website, you will find a photo gallery, links to selected presentations, including one on the services offered by the High-Level Support Team, and the options for using the supercomputers of the pan-European EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.?
Record-breaking SC24: Czech footprint at the world's largest HPC conference
The Supercomputing Conference 2024 (SC24) in Atlanta, the United States, has confirmed its position as the world's largest gathering of high-performance computing (HPC) professionals. The event attracted more than 18,000 attendees and 494 exhibitors. One of the many exhibitors was IT4Innovations, the Czech National Supercomputing Center, which presented its latest research, projects, and services there.
Patrick E. Farrell: From the inspiration of Fermat's last theorem to breakthrough flow research
Patrick E. Farrell, a mathematician and one of the keynote speakers at the HPCSE 2024 conference, gave us a fascinating insight into his research world. In the interview, he recalls how Fermat's last theorem inspired him and describes how he is currently using supercomputers to solve complex physics problems.
Europe runs at full supercomputing power
IT4Innovations was present at the two-day EuroHPC JU User Day in Amsterdam. The programme included lectures and panel discussions. IT4Innovations had the opportunity to present the EuroHPC Karolina supercomputer and the options for its use to a wide range of users from all over Europe. More information, including links to the presentations and materials from both days, can be found here.
Videos of courses and workshops available on YouTube
On the IT4Innovations YouTube Channel, you will find video recordings of training activities of the National Competence Centre in HPC, the role of which IT4Innovations plays. All training events related to quantum computing can be found here.?
Six Czech companies compete for a EUR 300,000 supercomputing grant in the European FFplus call. The next call will be launched in the summer of 2025. →
The first graduates of the EUMaster4HPC MSc programme received their diplomas. The next round of applications for the programme is open. →
Discover projects powered by EuroHPC JU supercomputers. Since 2021, these computational resources have been driving innovation – find out how. →
Thanks to the services of the Czech and Slovak National Competence Centres in HPC, niore Energy has computationally tested whether their bold vision of storing energy in rings rotating on the ocean surface can work effectively in practice. →
Read the Interview with Roman Iakymchuk from the Center of Excellence in Exascale CFD (CEEC). Learn, among other things, how exascale calculations are pushing the boundaries for fluid flow simulations.?→
Assisted by the Karolina supercomputer, Michal H. Kolá? from the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, has focused his research on protoribosomes, the ancient ancestors of today's ribosomes that existed before the origin of life. →
Maximilián Lamanec and Pavel Hobza from IT4Innovations have published research on hydrogen bonding in the Communications Chemistry journal. In their work, they used low-temperature infrared (IR) spectroscopy and IT4Innovations' supercomputers to analyse the similarities between protonic and hydridic hydrogen bonds. →
Michal Otyepka from IT4Innovations, together with scientists from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center and the Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute at Palacky University in Olomouc, collaborated in a research project that reveals the molecular secrets of the CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 enzymes. →
The BioDT project, which is developing prototypes of digital twins in biodiversity, has produced two new podcasts. →
Gaia Radi?, a Croatian new media artist and architecture student in Slovenia, explores the relationship between virtual and material environments by combining computer graphics with spatial installations. For her latest CHORA project, she collaborated with Milan Jaro? from IT4Innovations. →
Thank you, dear readers, for staying connected with the Czech National Supercomputing Center. Explore all our IT4Innovations newsletters here. →
Wishing you a Merry Christmas, a delightful close to 2024, and an extraordinary start to 2025!
With warm regards,
Your IT4Innovations